
Is Kingdom of hearts going to come out on playstation 2 ?

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I really hope it does cause i have a ps2 and i love that game Kingdom of hearts. If you know the answer can you please tell me why. Thanks.




  1. No definitely not ps2 but I'm 90% sure that its coming on ps3 exclusively but there is still a few good games coming out for ps2 for instance in the next month theres 2 great games-

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

    But I'm guessing as you like Kingdom Hearts you won;t be wanting them so theres FFXIII coming out on Xbox 360 and ps3 next year.

    If you're desperate for Kingdom Hearts then there have been 3 games announced 1 for PSP called Birth By Sleep which is a prequel set 10 years before the original with 3 completely new characters and 1 for DS which is called 358/2 days set before Kingdom Hearts 2 and follows the story of Roxas in Organisation XIII and finally Coded for mobile phone which is Kingdom Hearts 1 but on your mobile and with a slightly different plot.

    All 3 games should be out in the next 6 months until then you'll have to replay the first 2

  2. unfortunately, i dont think Kingdom Hearts 3 will be available on the ps2, which stinks, because just like u i have played the first two on the ps2 and thoroughly enjoyed them. all i know is that is will be sold on ps3's only for the moment. i dont think its due out for like another 2 years

  3. Kingdon Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 are both already out on PS2 exclusively.  If you're talking about Kingdom Hearts 3, no, it will not be released on PS2.  Square Enix (the company that makes the Kingdom Hearts games) stopped making games for the PS2 after they released Final Fantasy XII last year.  They will not be making any more games for it... all of their new ones will be for current-gen consoles (PS3, 360, and Wii).

    The PS2, original XBOX, and GameCube have all officially become outdated.  You won't be seeing a whole lot produced for them at all after the end of this year.

  4. kingdom hearts 3 is not if that is what you are asking

  5. Nope Is A Really Good Game  The Next Game Coming Out Are

    -Kingdom Hearts : Birth By Sleep (PSP)

    -Kingdom Hearts : 358/2 Days (DS)

    -Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Phone)

    -Kingdom Hearts 3?: PS3

  6. i assume your talking about the third one. and no it will not come out for ps2, only the ps3. why would they make new system seller games on a last generation console? sorry but it's the truth

  7. no. i have a ps2 and i have the trouble that 90% of companies refuse to produce their games for the ps2 platform because of the release of the supposedly amazing ps3. sorry, but kindgom of hearts is one of those games

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