This is not usually something I would do, but seeing as you are all are talking about me, I couldn't help myself.
I am Kjarlune Rae. I want to take a moment and thank those of you who have answered on here, with good and bad feedback. I am not answering this to defend myself, however it warms my heart that some have felt the need to. I am responding because I don't think most people would about themselves and I like to step out of the box. *grin*
It is possible to have a reading not come true, I don't claim to be god, only clairvoyant. A reading is not what some people think it is. It is a direction, and if you have come to see me then you are aware that there is things I tell you that you need to do in order to get to where you want to get in your life. Very rarely will a reading take place where I do not tell you a crystal you should wear, or a book you should read. A way to deal with a situation, some sort of tool to get the end result we are going after.
I have without question had bad readings in my career of 20 years. To say I have not would be foolish. Just like everyone else I am human and have bad days. I do my best to make sure I don't read on those days and have done my share of pissing people off because of last minute cancels because I have not believed I would be accurate that day. A headache, issues at home, a cold, frustration. Just like anyone else who goes to their place of work on a bad day and screws up everything they do. Makes mistakes they would not normally make, does things they would not normally do. Of course being human and clairvoyant means I may not catch everyone of those days.
Things can go wrong, readings can be inaccurate, it can happen. For the most part it doesn't but that doesn't mean I am perfect. I have to agree that my timing can be off, and man it chokes me you have no idea. A time line for comes from weather, and weather changes. I have had clients be very angry with me and tell me that I am without question a fraud. Then 2 years later email me to tell me that what I have told them including the small details was true, just the timing was wrong. I have also had clients who have chosen to take a different direction and so I have been wrong, and yes I have had readings that were not right.
One thing you can be guaranteed in a reading whether it be by me or anyone else that has years of a reputation of being accurate is that you will get something out of your reading. A direction, a purpose, some answers, you will get something.
As far as a lot of psychics say they work with the police you are right they do and you are also right that this is not always the case. You should probably also know that in Canada where I live and work, the police departments claim they do not work with us. Even when they do. h**l most people won't admit they go to see a psychic when they do. It is easy to just debunk what I do for a living, and what I say I do with my clairvoyance, but that doesn't mean it isn't real.
I suppose it could be possible, of course it makes me laugh to think about it, that you share too much information while sitting in my living room waiting for your reading. Maybe my ten year old is great with morris code and shares the information with me before you sit with me, I would call it unlikely but if that explanation helps you to understand why your life is not going they way you want it too, ok. I have big shoulders I can take it.
I have had people convinced I have had them followed in their life by a private investigator to get the scoop before they sit with me. After all spending thousands to make a couple of hundred is a great investment. *grin*
It is easy to make fun of someone because of their size, or house. Lord knows we as people judge pretty easily. I am a very large woman, even my husband had an issue with it before he became my husband. What can I say, I am fat because I eat too much. Thank you for saying that I am comfortable in my own skin, for the most part I am, or at least when I am not looking in a mirror. If you have come to see me you see there are not a lot of mirrors. I am sure I am not the only fat person who has been successful in their lives, but if it is easier to make fun of how I look, have a good time with it. I know my physical and emotional flaws, so I can take it.
Of course making fun of my house didn't really upset me, but it sure did p**s my kids off. In my house they have chores, I almost grounded them today when I read how someone sees my house. *grin* it is sometimes difficult to keep a 3000 square foot house spotless but we do our best. However I do want to thank you, as these comments showed me I was right to redo my house. My husband thanks you too as his back is killing him from reflooring and repainting, Not that anyone other than my students will see the changes because my office has not been in my house for awhile.
When you have as many kids as my husband and I do you have to make concessions My rasberry/black office is now a room with a nursery in it. Yes not only am I clairvoyant but also a grandma.
I will say without question that it is possible my house and myself looked worse for the wear when you came and seen me, again possibly a bad hair day or my husband did not do the laundry and I ran out of clothes, had to go to the deep dark bad place in my closet, you know the clothes you would never wear but can't get rid of? I have them too. On occasion I have thought of applying myself for the "What not to wear" show.
As you can tell I am a little sarcastic, it is not because of what has been said on here truly, if you came in my office or listened to my 4 year radio show, or seen me in one of my live shows at the Casino you would discover I was not only born Clairvoyant but sarcastic too.
I have been told that it is not in my best interest to post this, because people will think I have posted everything else on this forum too but I have never been one to do what I am told.
After 40 years of being made fun of, you get to the point where you really don't care what you should or should not do.
I have no doubt when my TV show "My Soul Family" hits the national air waves this coming year there will be a lot more being said about me. I must admit however after 20 years of stepping on peoples toes, pissing people off and doing readings I am somewhat impressed that I have only been able to find a few bad things about me on the vast world wide internet.
As for my clients, those of you have trusted me and allowed me to share a small piece of your successes and hurdles over the last 20 years, I want to thank all of you, even those who have felt they have not had a great reading. I am a very blessed person and it has been an absolute pleasure working with all of you, every one, for this many years. I will never give up on readings no matter where life takes me. I get so much from seeing you every day that I could not even begin to imagine my life without any of you. Those who have been unhappy with how I do things have been just as important to be as those who have. I have made a lot of changes in my life because I pay attention. I work hard on bettering myself and my career based on what you all have to say. So I say take the good with the bad and let your gut tell you what you should do in your life. Not just who you should go to for a reading but how to live your life.
We are all born with the ability to feel the difference between a step ahead or a step back. For those who struggle and their is a lot of us, know that you are never alone, you are never the only one going through it. Be proud of even the little things you do in your life, because even those add up. You truly can do anything you set your mind too. You really can reach the stars. The only thing that hold us back is ourselves. Love your life and live it to the fullest. It never really matters what you believe as long as you believe in something.
LML! Love my Life
Kjarlune Rae...and no this is not an imposter...feel free to email me and ask me if I wrote this. *grin*
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