
Is Knocked Up appropriate for a ten year old?

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My daughter (who is ten) and her boyfriend want to see Knocked Up. I think that it is a heartwarming movie about the meaning of life, but I just wanted to check with other parents before I give them the final okay.




  1. My 15 year old sister is forbidden from seeing it by my parents who've seen it. I'd say you should tell her to wait until she's a few years older. She's ten, she shouldn't be watching a birth scene. Yes, it's natural, real, and heartwarming to some, but it's not something a ten-year-old needs to be exposed to.

  2. well see i saw mean girl "bad bad bad" at around 8-10 and i was very informed about that c**p. it depends on the parents, and what the kid knows. if the kids knows what the movie title means, and know how they do it you should be fine. ask the parents though, so they can ask the child if they know what that means. other parents like one of my friends, is so uninformed she doesnt know WHY she has a period xD

  3. Probably not. However I doubt they'd get most of the humor. Instead of asking us-- I would ask her boyfriend's parents if it's okay with them, that's who it's going to matter to in the long run.

  4. um no. and why does your ten year old daughter have a boyfriend? that's a little young in my opinion, but w/e.

    my brother saw it when he was ten, not to my approval. it's a very graphic movie. with s*x scenes, extreme cussing, drug usage and brash visuals. not suitable for a 10y/o.

  5. no, and 10 is too young to be dating

    Well I guess since she is dating that early you really don't care about her, go ahead and let her watch it.

  6. definitely not.  Check the parental guidance rating, this should be specific enough to know whether the content is appropriate.  But knocked up is definitely not, I'd say late teens...AT THE EXTREME EARLIEST...

    there's nudity, drug content...language...

    too much for a little mind to comprehend or understand.

  7. whats wrong with movies like "Now and Then" "Wild America" or any other good time movie that Doesn't involve s*x? 10 yr old should be able to enjoy classic movies instead of tasteless comedy meant for older people who have nothing else to do.

  8. i never saw it, but what ive heard about it, i have to say NO!. they will learn that stuff when they get older. and whats a 10 yr. old girl doing with a boyfriend, she needs to be playing with her barbies.

  9. uhh NO. i have a 13 year old daughter and i dont even want her to be watching it... 10 is WAY to young.

    you must be crazy.

    and your daughter has a boyfriend o0

    yikes. do you give her condoms too?

  10. Um have you actually seen it? It's rated Ma 15+ so obviously it's not for a ten year old. Seriously how old are you that you have to ask something like that?

  11. I dont think that it is appropriate for children at her age.

    she wouldnt really understand what it means.

    and i think that it would give the two inappropriate things to talk about.

    also be careful 10 is an awful young age to be dating?

    good luck.

    and keep your baby safe.

  12. NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!! i'm 16 and i don't think i should have even watched it!! And i do NOT see how you say it's heart warming, it's about a girl getting drunk and having s*x with a complete stranger!! is that the kind of things you would want your 10 year old daughter to think is ok to do??

  13. no

  14. has a lot of adult stuff in it....even more us the unrated version.

    It's a good meaning of life movie...for a teen.

  15. Your daughter is 10 and has a boyfriend? Thats your answer right there. You know when your 10 yr old daughter and boyfriend wanna c that movie there's sumthing going on! I mean unless ya wanna say, here go ahead, gettin prego is okay and stuff then go ahead. But you should just let her see it cuz obviously, you don't care about her anyway since your letting her date so young.

  16. I watched it. In one version there was a clear image of a cervix. Unless this is s*x ed I prooobably wouldn't recommend it. Especially with her boyfriend. I don't think that's the wisest decision. Sure, it's a way of showing abstinence but you can get ideas from that without understanding the 'whole picture'.

  17. 10 year old shouldnt realluy being involved in a relationship cuz 5 ears form now shell have the expierience of a married women whos had 3 kids she should have very close guy firends nd no KNOCKED up is NOT apropiate its either pg13 or R the name itself is innapropiate check the ratings before u choose take of ur lil daughter nd dnt let her turn into a w***e please 4 her sake

  18. The title of the movie is "Knocked Up". Enough said. It is inappropriate, especially for a ten year old. She probably will get the wrong idea from a lot of what happens in the movie. On a separate, unrelated note, why does your ten year old daughter have a boyfriend? Isn't she a bit young?

  19. The movie isn't the problem. Your daughter is ten and has a boyfriend. That's the problem. Don't you think that's kind of young to have a child of another gender around your daughter. No your daughter shouldn't see that movie. The title is to strong for her. She's a child let her be one. Make her be one. She's going to grow up to fast to begin with. Don't speed nature up.

  20. Well seeing as your letting a 10 year old date...why would you question what movie she should watch? No its not appropriate. And its not appropriate for a 10 year old to be dating. Yeah...its really heartwarming...Idiot.

  21. No because of the (weed several times and the one time they use mushrooms) drug use and the graphic s*x scenes (the first and secound time they have s*x) plus the nudity, like when they are at the strip club in Vegas and after the earthquake hits. I wouldn't.

  22. Ok, if your daughter is 10 and has a boyfriend then you should DEFINETLEY be ok with her seeing knocked up. Even though 10 in my opinon is too young, I saw knocked up at 14. She probably wouldn't inderstand it anyway. And it might give her some bad ideas since she already has a bf the movie shows s*x. Go figure.

  23. I'd say no...unless your going to watch it with them...there are some scenes that are too above them.

    Your 10 year old has a b/f?


    When I was that old if I did have one I didn't want my mom to know.

    Sounds like you do have a good relationship!

  24. Your "daughter" is too young to even date, what the h**l does she have a boyfriend for?  As if I believed this pile of c**p to begin with.

  25. Sexual Content

    Fairly graphic s*x scenes -- not in terms of nudity (although Rogen's bare butt is visible), but in the positions and conversation depicted. Everyone discusses s*x, whether it's a married couple casually discussing whether to have it or a group of guys debating whether Ben's gonna get some, etc. There's also a realistic representation of pregnancy that includes a woman's hormonal shifts and sexual needs. At the end, there's an almost documentary-style childbirth scene. There's even movie-within-a-movie nudity (Ben's job is to record whenever an actress gets naked on screen). A couple of fairly brief topless scenes (including one graphic-but-funny lap-dance sequence).



    Some pushing and shoving.



    Lots and lots of cursing -- think Tarantino levels but in a funnier context: F-bombs galore (plus all the other "standards"); the "c" word; various euphemisms for s*x and genitalia; colorful insults.

    Ubiquitous marijuana use and pot paraphernalia among Ben and his friends. Ben and Pete do mushrooms and hallucinate. Alison and Ben get incredibly drunk before their one-night stand. Clubgoers are shown drinking.

    Basicly, NOOOO this is not an age-appropriate movie for a ten year old.

  26. it's up to how you parent, but i think it may be alittle to far fetch for them to understand, and it does have some drug usage, nudity, and s*x. My kids watch, chickie and jason.... so

  27. I would say no. I'm really sorry but I'm 12 and I really wanna see it but I know it's too much! If you want you can let her but I think there is a lot of inappropriate things such as s*x, drugs and bad language. But you're her mother if you have had a talk about s*x and drugs and bad use of language then you can let her. But I would prob say no. Hopes this helps!!!

    ~ Leeza



    ITS A MOVIE ABOUT A STUPID GIRL WHO GETS WAY TO DRUNK, HAS A ONE NIGHT STAND, THEN GETS PREGNANT?!?! you are probably a 13 yr old mother, jesus christ.

  29. NO. It has bad language, drugs, nudity, s*x and some abuse. DEFINITELY NOT FOR ANY ONE UNDER 18 AT LEAST.


  30. No that is NOT a good movie for a 10 year old. And can i ask why your daughter who is 10 has a boyfriend? Dont you think your question is a double standard. Your worried about your daughter being exposed to an R rated movie but you let her have a boyfriend at 10 years old?

  31. No. Probably not.

    But it depends on your daughter really,

    If you trust her and you think shes mature enough,

    Then there shouldn't really be a big deal,

    Maybe you should go with them fi she really wants to

    go, then that way you can watch the contents and it will

    help you decided on further issue like this one.

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