
Is Kobe Bryant the best player in the NBA???? and will he be an excellent player on the team USA in CHINA?????

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Is Kobe Bryant the best player in the NBA???? and will he be an excellent player on the team USA in CHINA?????




  1. As of now, Kobe is arguably the best player in all of basketball. But, on Team USA, he will have to take a more subtle role. Nonetheless, he will still be an excellent player.

  2. Right now? Yes.

    Will be an excellent player in the Beijing Olympics? Yes. He exceeds all talents in the NBA so I have no doubt he will be.

    But true success in the international arena means bringing in the gold. So we'll still have to wait if this crop of NBA all-stars would be able to do that. (I'm still pondering the selection of only three big men, Remember Team US lost to Greece in 2004 because of their inability to knock down shots and control the boards).

    Hope this helps.

  3. Well, Melo, Wade, and LeBron were there when USA got bronze, so if they get gold this year, it's obvious what the difference will be. Kobe and Jason Kidd are no doubt the leaders of the team, not LeBron, Melo, and Wade.

  4. yes. no doubt in my mind. he is the accompanied by many wonderful players...i mean we beat canada by 55 without lebron and kobe only scored 15 which is less than half his average.

  5. Some ppl may not like it but

    Kobe Bryant is the leader of

    team USA.They will bring

    home the gold!

  6. Everyone knows that man, they just swept Canada by 50 points LOL.


  7. By far the best payer in the NBA

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