
Is Kobe tired from playing such a long season?

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Is this why he is playing so poorly (0-8 3fg). Is he exhausted physically and mentally from playing such a long season and then losing in such a humiliating way?

Do you think playing in the Olympics on top of a grueling NBA season is going to affect his play next year? I think he will be totally depleted by the time the NBA season rolls around. He will need to play big minutes next season if they want to win the ultra-competitive west. The guy is going to be fried by the time the playoffs roll around. I just don't see a return to the finals in his future.




  1. He is tired, but he wants to play for his country, and he should be commended for that.  I don't think the Finals means anything to him as compared with an Olympic gold.

  2. no his play in olympics will not effect kobe in the season for nest  year just becasue hes having a bad game doesnt show a future of losing for him every player has bad games,, i think you and the other laker haters are looking to deep into it.. as usual, he'll be fine and even go to the finals next year hes been going every yr to the playoffs this wont make a difference sorry to bust your bubble laker haters always hopeing he wont go back but he always does

  3. he should get surgery on that pinkie now as sense he still have time.

  4. he is been like that for the past three games. i think its either he can't play the fiba rules caz they got different rules than nba, or its the pinky. or maybe he just sucks  

  5. Don't forget he is the "BLACK MAMBA".

    Just don't ask me what it mean.  I really have no idea.

  6. i think that kobe is playing bad b/c da celtics whipped his teams ***

  7. His pinky must really be bothering him now.  Most Laker fans say that is the only reason why the lost to the celtics..

  8. He is definently tired. He does not seem to be in regular season shape like Lebron or D-Wade. Once the Olympics is over he will go ahead and have that pinkie surgery and shut it down for awhile He may come to camp late but there is no need to worry. He is a workaholic who always stays in great shape. Don't worry about him not being ready for the regular season. Last season's disappointing loss, plus Shaq's profanity laced lyrics will be more than enough motivation for the games best closer to be at the top of his game. He is like MJ or Tiger. He doesn't forget anything that is said negatively about him

  9. He's going to get surgery on his pinkie after the olympics. But Kobe is tough man. He's strong. You rarely see fatigue in him.

  10. i hope he gets so tired that he injures himself just before the season starts so the celtics wont have to worry too much

  11. I dont think hes exhausted hes jumpers just not on right now. There have been other players that are playing in the olympics after a long season in the NBA such as Gasol and Ginobili. I expect Kobe to get back to regular form when the season starts after he gets surgery on the pinkie.

  12. Lets see playing in the season working his *** off for 1st place in da best conference ever. Winning the MVP injuring and playing with a broken finger beat Utah Jazz in a dificult series beat the world champs Spurs and they had nuthing left against boston from Game 3 in the second half after that spectacular 1st half they were tired.


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