
Is Kofi Annan the most powerful african american on the planet?

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Is Kofi Annan the most powerful african american on the planet?




  1. Kofi Annan is not an American

    He is Ghanian

  2. the UN, under his leadership was very corrupt.  Obama supports the UN and his bill pending in the senate now, S 2433, the so called 'global poverty act' would give the UN even more power over us.

    it commit us to 845 BILLION dollars above what we already give them.  it would also make us subject, under contractual agreement, to their Millennium Agreement.  this would give them the abilities to limit our 2nd amendment Rights.

    Obama has stated that he is a 'citizen of the world'. i believe him and i also believe that he wants the same vision for America that George Soros' has , that we become a more 'open society' this means more socialistic in our government.  if you read it, you will find  this is true.

    we have seen Nelson Mandella touted on his 90th brithday yet since he become President of South Africa, we have not seem this nation prosper and too many citizens still live in sqaller and poverty.  shoudn't they have become world leaders since the black population now has a black president.  they are a resource rich nation yet these have not be developed and the people sharing in the money.

    Annan is just as corroupt as the rest of the UN, which sad to say are mostly ran by African and Arab nations.  the Human Rigths Commission is made up of the most henious violators yet they run this comminssion.  go figure.

    the new UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon assured Africa’s leaders that the continent will remain a central priority for the organization. Africa has achieved much through “unity of purpose,” he told a summit meeting of the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 29 January, just four weeks after taking office. “Unity of purpose is also the foundation of Africa’s partnership with the United Nations,” he emphasized, “as we take on the broad range of challenges we share.”

    He commented to journalists: “My presence here in the first month of my tenure as the Secretary-General of the United Nations is a strong sign of the growing partnership between the United Nations and the African Union and of the high priority I attach to Africa.”

    he has made lots of appointment to power position of black leaders and i guess we will have to wait to see how effective they are in this endevor and if the UN is cleaned up....i am not holding by breath.

  3. Kofi was the most powerful and corrupt african american

    I think he is from africa

  4. Not American.Not head of UN anymore,and visible leaders are mere puppets.And even the UN is subordinate to the llluminati.

  5. he is no longer the head of the UN. He has no legitimate power now.

  6. Yes he is,,,,if by "powerful" you mean "corrupt".

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