
Is Kopi Luwak available in South Africa?

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Have any one of you ever had Kopi Luwak, the worlds most expensive coffee at 50 pounds a cup? It is made from coffee beans that have passed through the digestive system of a civet (I think it is like a wild cat).....they pick the droppings up and then brew the coffee.

Fortunately I prefer old plain Ricoffy at R 30,00 for a WHOLE tin, but one day I would like to try Kopi Luwak. wonder how much they charge for just one sip?




  1. you whiteys are savages of a different breed, eating katte kak.

    eish ouens, naaaai man!

  2. Who in their right mind will pay that much for Kat Kak....

  3. I`ve been trying to get a place that sels it but nothing in SA. Will ask some of my clients if they can get in the UK or US.

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