
Is Krav Maga training safe?

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I'm 15 and am interested in starting Krav Maga over the summer, and my Dad seems to think that it is barbaric and that I'll get the crud beaten out of me, and I'll get hurt during the training...

Any thoughts...?




  1. A good instructor will not allow you to spar with realistic techniques until you have developed a proficiency with the all of the skills you will need to have to be able to protect yourself. I'm glad you're wanting to study a battle tested fighting style like Krav Maga instead of the useless garbage you would learn at a McDojo with all of those meaningless belt testing fees.

  2. your bound to get bumps and bruises maybe stretched a little if you dont tap on a armlock or something similar

    but badly hurt i doubt it

    my sensei has been running his dojo for 3 years hes the only one to break something and that was his nose

    the only place you could get hurt bad is sparring, and the instructor is there to make sure it doesnt get out of hand and no one gets hurt

    ie. we practice elbows on punching bags and pads when working ground and pound(mma based dojo) but when it comes to a person we dont connect them to the head, we work them on the ribs n thighs but not the face so no one gets cut open

  3. Krav Maga is barbaric. Any self-defense based system has to be, and those individuals studying in it must be able to handle that frame of thought as well. That is so they may survive a life threatening altercation in the real world. Fighting is always frowned upon as its a choice. The individuals participating in it are willing combatants. Self defense on the other hand, is where one individual cannot leave and is not willing to continue the altercation, therefore they must protect themselves.  Surviving in the real world where somebody wants to maim or kill you must encompass sheer brutality. This is because the longer the fight goes on the more dangerous it becomes for the defending party.

    Now as far as training goes... You will get your bumps and bruises if its from a legit place. Although the bumps and bruises you get in training will help you keep your cool when in a real situation. Krav Maga is a reality based fighting methodology. Just explain to your father that it's better to get hurt a little in training than to get hurt a lot or killed in real life.

  4. Definately not.  Students will wear head guards, gum shields, groin protectors, shin and forearm guards, etc during practice of attack/defence techniques, so that a realistic level of violence may be used without injury. Some schools incorporate "Strike and Fight," which consists of full-contact sparring intended to familiarize the student with the stresses of a violent situation.

  5. the only thing you have to watch out for is your wallet krap maga will steal your money very quickly.

  6. Most krav maga schools these days have watered down their technique.

    They're okay but won't be my first choice to learn as most krav maga techniques won't work on people who also an adept martial artist.

    My advice will be to go for Jujitsu or judo while you're still young and still very flexible.

    Jujitsu is a great art and one of the more gentle ones.

    Later on you might want to take kickboxing to supplement your jujitsu skill

  7. Training in any martial art or defence/combat style/system includes the risk of injury. This is why many dojo's will ask you to sign an indemnity clause/contract. The same applies for Krav Maga. A proper, certified trainer will try to minimise injury in every way possible. You will not get the "crud" beaten out of you, but you may come home with a few bruises here and there. Which state do you live in? Perhaps I can set you up with a certified instructor who will make sure you do not get beaten barbarically. The reason people get the "crud" beaten out of them is because they ignore safe practise. Stick with safety first and your instructors advice and you will be safe.

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