
Is L.T.T.E of SriLanka really a Terrorist Organisation..?

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My Opinion is that they are Patriots,when asked for Equal Rights got abandoned by Govt took this Violence Path to release themselves under Tamil Eelam(Tamil Country).

Want to know what others are thinking..?




  1. It depends on which side you are. What you are thinking about LTTE, is the same what Musharaff thinks about those people who are causing havoc in Kashmir and elsewhere in India. He calls them freedom fighters, we call them Terrorists.  

  2. When numerous countries across the world have

    banned the organisation,and when the LTTE is resorting to violence,how can one not brand it as terrorist?Moreoever,the organisation is seditious and

    wants to secede which no government will tolerate.All

    its talks of patriotism is a load of taurus droppings.Why can't it join the mainstream politics and fight elections

    like in any democracy?When it indulges in drug trafficking and shops for sophisticated weapons to fight

    its war of insurgency,how can it lay claim to patriotism?

  3. Start from the concept. A separate country within another country is totally unacceptable. If you justify it, you have to allow Kasmiris, Palestinians and many aggitating language and ethnic groups within India in different states and outside of country should be allowed to exercise their rights.

  4. Actually not onlyLITTE every person/association who select violence path is to be declared as terrorist. Otherwise in every country there will a number of petrotic association we should conrol hem. If they have their genuine poblem they must come forward with them in any appropriate forum. To-0day all world is to become one distance having no meaning and in that stage some groups slect violence path. In Arilakna LTTE, in India there are so many, in Pakistan, Afnanistan, Britain, USA where the world and ourmodern people r running? Do we reply for this?

  5. Hmmm... well I feel they were not terrorist until they murdered the Indian prime minister using a human bomb right in India and that was really not good as India also has a large population of Tamils.

    Since than LTTE has been termed as terrorist org by most of the major countries all over the world.

    As terrorist they can get themselves linked to Al-Qaida for assistance against Srilankan  government which ultimately will go against the interests of the rest of the World and specially for India.

    They are also humans and have rights just like every other creature of this Earth.

    They could have followed a peaceful way to fight for their rights in Sri lanka and I bet India would have supported them open heartedly.

    see others view as

    LTTE not a terrorist organisation

    Karen Parker  

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