
Is LA really a bad place?

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A couple of weeks ago in college, we were discussing our favourite holiday destinations that we would like to visit...

I said LA was my favourite and I perhaps want to migrate there and one of the tutors started lecturing me on how bad it is...(child prostitution etc)...

I was gobsmacked. Is LA really a bad place? Please help! Just to let u from England




  1. Well i think it translates to something like LOST ANGELS so yeah, i'm thinking a nice cottage in the cotswolds might be

  2. I live near Los Angeles. It is not a bad place. It has some bad areas just like any big city. But, for the most part it is fairly pleasant. The best part of it is the nice weather.

    If you want to visit a more interesting place in California, I recommend San Francisco. That is a beautiful place.

  3. child prostitution?  i live in LA and have never heard of this.

    its a great place.  the weather is unbeatable anywhere, and prob the biggest reason people live here.

    there are nice neighborhoods, and there are bad.  you need to make quite a bit of money to live in the nice places.  but so are the other major cities.  i would take LA any day over NYC, chicago, etc.

  4. No, it's not.

    LA is no different from any big city like New York, Paris, Cairo and London. All have their good and bad parts. It's a matter of staying away from the bad parts of the cities.

    And the tutor is kidding him/herself if they think LA is the only big city with child prostitution or the like.

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