
Is Laura bush a smiling machine?

by Guest32606  |  earlier

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How many of you think our first lady laura bush is a Dummy with fake smile on her face 24/7? I never seen her video/photo without a lousy fake smile!

and how many of u agree that smile is FAKE?.




  1. No more so than all the other fake smilers.

  2. Yes, she has a nice smile. Must be refreshing to see someone with a little class in the white house. You won't have to worry about the china and silverware being there when they leave.  

  3. Who is laura bush?

  4. She is a very happy woman that has done a lot of good as 1st Lady

  5. I have a clone!  Should I feel flattered?

    And yes, her smile is fake.  

  6. She's actually a boyfriend killed with car machine.

  7. I respect her greatly!

  8. She looks creepy.  

  9. It's not so much 'fake' as it is 'chemically enhanced'.

  10. Laura Bush is, and has always been, a sweet person who is positive and caring which is reflected in her smile.  Just because you hate her husband does not give anyone the right to call a genuinely nice person fake.  Maybe you've just never been around nice people.  They tend to smile, which is comforting.  

    And to bring up an accident that devastated her, and still bothers her, which was just unfortunate hitting below the belt.  Check the facts before you condemn her.

    She is the epitome of what a First Lady should be.  Neither of the candidates' wives in this election hold a candle to Laura Bush!

  11. Yes and not only that she is a killer. She is so cold she doesn't give Dumbya any emotional support and Conserva-Crazies nag everyone else to support the President -- as if marital problems between Laura and Dumbya are MY problem. I don't give a c**p...I already help pay his SALARY!!!!


    And, in discussing the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Bush said: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad."

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