
Is LeBron the next Vince Carter?

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I see LeBron as just a "highlight player." He doesn't have a jumper and can't make freethrows. He can't defend. Vince Carter, too, was getting compared to MJ because he was doing flashy dunks and sweet moves around the rim. But what's LeBron going to do when he gets older? Right now he's playing a lot of minutes. Eventually, he's going to hit a point where he won't be as effective going to the hoop. What's he going to do with no jumper? Also, he's not very clutch. I think people overrate him because he does flashy dunks and while Kobe is a complete player that can do anything, he gets hated on. But of course, the best player in the NBA has to get hated on, because well he's the best. He crushes your favorite team and that hurts. Sorry. This is not a "hating" question. This will probably happen if LeBron doesn't do anything about his weaknesses.




  1. Lol, or do you mean is Vince Carter trying to become the next LeBron? Haha

  2. Let's see how successfully Vince Carter was when he was in Toronto and was the GO-TO-GUY?  In case you forgot, TORONTO HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN THE EASTERN CONFERENCE.  Just thought I point that out.  Carter has never even snuck into an NBA Finals until he was paired up with Jason Kidd, Richard Jefferson, and Kenyon Martin in New Jersey while LeBron was able to achieve that with much less talent.  So if you ask me about carrying a team on his back IN THE SAME CONFERENCE, I think it's fair to say, LeBron has catapulted himself out of Vince Carter's league.

  3. The Eastern Conference may be weaker overall, but the top 2 teams in the East had the best record in the NBA.  Comparing Lebron to VC is ridiculous, Lebron has the body of a power forward but can handle and pass the ball like a point guard.  As for him not being clutch, I'm pretty sure in Game 7 @ Detroit in the Conference Finals he scored the last 20 points for his team to win the game.

    Lebron can't help it that he has little talent around him on his team.  If the Cavs added a couple studs, Lebron would easily be able to win a Championship.

    Look at KG..  He never had playoff success, but the first season he played with Ray Allen and Paul Pierce, they got it done.

    Same thing can happen to Lebron.  The Cavs will either add talent or he'll leave and go to a more talented team.

  4. are u kidding me? he pasted vince during his 1st 3 years in the league you can't compare them

  5. Not being funny, but LeBron has stepped his game up and became stronger every single year in the league so far, and he is probably already second best only to Kobe in the entire league, he almost eliminated the Celtics in the playoffs pretty much by himself.

    LeBron is already much better than Vince, and he is one of the most well rounded players in the league.  His jump shot has improved every year, and can u think of a single player who can drive to the hole as strong as Bron?

    Kobe is undoubtedly a better player, but LeBron is only 23 remember that, and i'm not hating on Kobe man i'm a Lakers fan, but give credit where it's due LeBron is an amazing talent

  6. hahahha did you seriously just say lebron can't defend.


  7. WOW Bro... You lose all credibilty with this whole little paragraph and question... I cant believe you said lebron cant defend though, and I guess Kobe can? What you fail to realize is something thats painfully obvious... Did Kobe make the all - defensive team the year after shaq left and he had to exert himself so much on the offensive end of the floor? No , I dont think so... Only after Kobe got sufficient help on the offensive side of the ball was he able to use more energy playing defense... Its a common rule that if your team relies on you so much to sce on one end, you shouldnt burn yourself out playing defense on the other... When LeBron gets good enough help so that he's not relied on to score everytime his team has the ball, he will show you ho good his D really is... Im sure you saw the olympics, and you saw how good his D was...Even Doug Collins said that LeBron and Kobe were the teams best two defenders..So you should just void whatever point you were trying to make... And as far as Lebron wanting to be the next vince, you gotta be kidding... Not only did you insult vince by saying he cant shoot, Vince has probably the longest range in the NBA beside Gilbert Arenas, you said LeBron isnt clutch... I guess your team losing after being up 20 with one quarter left is being clutch huh? especially in a championship game.. Come on Kobe... Lebron scored the final 20 sumthin points and forced his team to win, IF thats not clutch I dont know what else.. .And he doesnt just take it to the hole, thats just what he's best at... If you have something that no one can stop, why would you bother doing something else? LeBron is also one of he best passers in the game, something that cant be said about Kobe, and he is still ONLY 23... Give him a break and realize that he may just become the greatest basketball player of all time, he has too much skill and potential, not only that, but he has an extreme work ethic, something you dont see among players today

  8. I tend to avoid questions like this come on!

    Vince for on does have a jumper, and is an okay free throw shooter. He can pretty much score anyway that he wants to. The knock on him is that he wilts under intense pressure, like the playoffs for instance.

    More to the point Lebron has already surpassed Vince. he has carried these Cavs kicking screaming deep into he playoffs. As far as not having a jumper lets see Mike Jordan was a career 32.7% 3pt shooter, Lebron is right now a career 32.4% 3pt shooter.

    He doesnt just make spectacular plays during the course of the game, he dominates in the clutch. Everybody in the arena knows he is getting the ball, and he splits the double team, goes chest to chest with your center and dunks. Or hits the trey. I am from Detroit and the Pistons never recovered from what he did to them two years ago. Lebron's weakness is that he doesn't know how to drive the team bus. wait, does he ???

    Lets say that he does hit the point wher he can no longer go the hoop. Although I have never heard of this disease. He is not going to stop being 6-8 240. And lets keep it real tahts what gets him to the hole, 6-8 240. As the jumper gets better and those eight rebounds turn into ten rebounds, and those eight asst turn into 10.

    Do this take away the SHaq years and what has Kobe done that Lebron hasn't? Nothing. I hate to compare two totally different guys but come on.

  9. hater alert.

    hater alert.

    if you know anything about basketball, then you know LeBron is not Vince Carter.

    Carter has never been a leader or taken his team to the finals. and karl malone, who had hops briefly in his youth and none in the later stages of his career when he actually scored more is the nba's second all time scorer. magic johnson... no hops, okay jumper, duncan no hops, you can be effective in this league w/o jumping ability.

    yeah lebron needs to work on parts of his game... put he's improved every year. so basically if you think he's not that good right now or overrated while going to the finals and almost beating the celtics, your really gonna hate it if he gets better.

  10. This is a joke right?  Lebron is twice the player Vince Carter is.  

  11. vince carter wishes he was the next lebron james

  12. no hes already passed vince..

  13. Kobe's first 5 years compared to LeBron's...LeBron shoots a higher field and 3pt pecentage


    If I Recall East Won The Title

  14. lolz

  15. u could not be more wrong, u are 110% wrong, if there was a noble prize for being wrong u would be the hands down winner. Lebron has already won an eastern conference championship, and is going to go down as 1 of the greatest players of all time unlike vince carter

    EDIT: hes not going down in history as one of the greatest just b/c of his eastern conf championship but b/c of what he will do for his whole career

  16. Lmao.. Vince wants to be Lebron

  17. LeBron aint even close to VC15

    The person up there ^ above me is weird

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