
Is Lebron James on the Vogue magazine racially controversial to you?

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i think all this fuss about the magazine is a waste of time. People saying stupid things like the magazine is showing that black men are scary or whatever is very stupid. What do you think? Does this front cover of Vogue offend you (if you are black)?




  1. You know I wouldn't mind them making a fuss but if it was the same picture with a white or any other colour of person there would be no fuss.

    Its idiots who make a fuss out of nothing that demean true racism and make it more difficult for victims to stand up to it and get justice.

  2. Nope just a picture. Lebron James is one of the first black basketball players on the cover of Vogue. Its more about making money than a race issue.

  3. No

  4. I sorta consider it offensive. why does he have to be King Kong? Why does he have to be portrayed as a beast? Its things like this that sort of separates us. if there were more people of other cultures deciding this concept they could of took the action of saying nooooooo this may be a little pushing it. And the people who say its just pointless and made up racism, u are a part of the problem. People who pretend that everything is alright and make believe that we are comfortable are staying stagnant. America has come a long way, but are you comfortable with race to race relations being like this 100 years in the future..... i think not. Wake up. We have to discuss.

  5. no, it's just a picture.

    nothing to make a fuss about.

    if the two people in the picture are happy then i'm happy.

  6. The morons saying this stuff need to get the "chip" off of their shoulders. Talk about keeping racism alive!! Geeze!

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