
Is Lebron James the most frustrating player to watch in the NBA?

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He's 6-9 and 260!

d**n he should be posting up player every time. Magic and Jordan could always play with their backs to the basket.

If Lebron didn't take so many ugly fadeaway and threes when the lane is clogged he could have the same shooting percentage MJ had or maybe even better.




  1. How could you be frustrated watching LeBron. He can do almost anything he wants on the basketball court. Lebron is one of the only players I have ever seen get to the rim with ease when everyone knows that's where he is going (mostly fourth quarter).

    He is still under 25. Why talk about what he is not able to do yet. I am thinking that there is a man big enough to play a linebacker (TE) and skilled enough to play point gaurd at the same time.

    He will be the face of the NBA soon.

  2. What happen ,run out of Lakers and Kobe questions?


  3. h**l no

  4. thast because Lebron hasnt developed a good jump shot...yet, wait 5-6 years and we'll see.

  5. I agree, he's the same size as Ben Wallace. He could play the 4 or 5 if he wanted to, he should at least have a post game.

  6. nah I say Andrea Bargnani is the most frustrating to watch all he does is shoot threes and he can't hit them for nothing...

  7. First of all, he's 6'8 at 250 lbs and you're right about how he settles for jumpshots too much. He needs to drive to the basket more.

  8. He is built like a true PF and he should be way more agressive. I see where ur coming from. He has the greatest body in NBA history if u ask me. If i were him i would use that speed and get to the rim and dunk on whoever is there

    Prince- He is listed at 6'8 but i think he is really 6'9....and he is 260 trust me

  9. he needs to work on his consistant shooting, shen he goes to the rim basically no one can stop him, dwight haword cant be stopped either n bosh is so so

  10. Yeah King James is really young

    i dont know about 5-6 years of waiting, "lakers own boston forever"

    i would say give hi like 3-4 years since he is a good player n a fast learner

  11. Yes he is

  12. James,

    You're right on.  LeBron has poor shot selection and with his body he should be able to take advantage of smaller defenders by posting them up.  

    He off course as others say has to work on his jump-shots (and i'll add his free throws). He's an inconsistent jump shooter and should drive more- because he's a beast when he takes it to the rack.  

    He's only 23 though- which is the scary part- if he ever adds that jumper and mid-range game- he'll be even scarier.  But i agree he forces too many jumpers- his fadeaway is not as developed as M.J.'s (it's rather unpolished actually) and he should develop a post-game.


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