
Is Lieberman's speech a test balloon to see how well Republicans will receive him as the new VP pick?

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Is Lieberman's speech a test balloon to see how well Republicans will receive him as the new VP pick?




  1. Nah.  Secretary of State.

  2. Possibly. McCain had a "senior moment" when he picked Palian as a way to harpoon voters away from Obama who wanted Hillary. Problem is, Sarah Palian is right wing fundamentalist with a mysoginistic voting record, and (big surprize!) she has commited a textbook example of moral hypocrisy.

    That Palain opposes abortion rights in cases of rape and incest is bad enough.As a 3rd term of Bush McCain CANNOT wow the center that is leaning towards Obama/Biden so he  MUST rally the base if he has any chance of winning.

    Its shaping up to be a real GOP disaster. McCain might have to drop Palain to save face.

    And Leiberman isnt all that popular with the GOP base, being Jewish and progressive on some issues. You cant write this stuff! Even if he switches VPs its still a loss.

  3. Isn't going to happen, we have our candidate and adore her.  McPalin it shall be!

  4. I heard that the republicans said they would walk out of the convention if Lieberman was picked by McCain.

  5. That would be the absolute best thing that could happen after the Palin s***w-up.  Can you imagine the joy in the Obama camp?  

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