
Is Lieberman Macains choice for V.P.?

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Is Lieberman Macains choice for V.P.?




  1. No, however, Lieberman will probably be in McCain's cabinet.

  2. I really hope so... Joe "Smithers" Leiberman would be a god-send to the Democrats!

  3. I hope not. We already have a democrat party that is running in this election. Let us not forget that Lieberman was the VP choice 8 years ago for the democrats.

  4. Highly doubtful.  Lieberman outright said he wouldn't accept if offered because it would do to much damage.   There is no way the GOP would allow Lieberman as VP.   And McCain knows better than to pick Lieberman as VP.  The two most likely candidates are probably Pawlenty and Romney.

  5. I like Joe Lieberman, just as I like all moderates from either party.

    But let's be realistic, John McCain is not well liked by conservatives who consider him too far in the middle for them. Even with all his flip-flopping on the issues in the last year to win them over they still don't trust him. To appease them, it's highly likely McCain will select a conservative as his running mate. It wouldn't surprise me if he selected the well-liked mayor of New York or the equally well-liked Mick Huckabee.

  6. No Sarah Palin will be.

  7. It is Pawlenty.  

  8. As a democrat I sure hope so!

  9. Im thinking yes

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