
Is Life A Cruel Joke Being Played On Us All?

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This thing they call life is a constant struggle, If it aint one thing its another, And all a man and a woman has to do is lay down and fornicate, And then presto she's pregnant, then after 9 months we are born into a cruel world. Then as we grow up we are forced to go to school, Then as teenagers puberty is another burden to bare. Then after we are adults we are forced to work and pay taxes. The old saying Life's a B* and then you die.




  1. What I have found is that every time you interact with the world, a sort of karma sets in motion. Everything you have in your life takes resources and time. If I start to feel overwhelmed, I need to step back and analyze things and chip away at the inessentials and sort of withdraw from a lot of things. I tie up loose ends and endeavor to simplify everything. This keeps the 'bitchiness' of life under a certain amount of control. However I believe there is a minimum level of hassle inherent in the modern world, you just got to try to streamline these things as best you can. Hope this is useful ---> Keep it SIMPLE!  

  2. No one can prove life is or isn't a joke, a dream, or anything else. Whatever your theory about life is, it's just as good and just as valid as any other person's.

  3. It gets better, hang in there buddy

  4. yes you got me its all a big joke. you have to look at the good things and fix the bad things

  5. You make a valid point, but this mindset will not improve your life in any way, it will only make things worse for you. Just accept that there is nothing that you can do about it and just experiment with different things until you find a routine that pleasantly distracts you from these "cruel joke that is life" feelings. And by "different things" I do not mean different drugs. Trust me there is nothing that will ruin your life quicker, but judging by the tone of the question I have a feeling you may have already gone down road. I've been there, ****, I am there. What seems to help me the most is exercise!!, seems pretty silly right? Why run when you could dope it up? I'll tell you why, cause dope is tight for a second, and then your in ******* h**l.    

  6. wow i couldnt agree more. life sux. y do ppl want to have children when they know they are bring helpless souls to this bad place?

    but w/e that saying is true life IS a ***** nd then we die....

  7. whats ur problem u have not told are u in love or havebeen cheated by anyone

  8. That's life, you are what you think, apparently. Try reading Shakti Gawain's creative visualization.

  9. Why think of the negativity of what you see. even a coin has two sides. don't you think that you have seen only one side of life. yes its hard & painfull. Can we stop what happens to us?. But we can change the way it happens. if you see a man hole while you walking on the road which is opend would you walk right throug it? I think that its the way how people look at things. if you are on one side of a fence you might not see the other side well. isn't it better to see things from the middle of the fence. live your life not suffer if I thought the same way I would not post my openion.

    Hope you get this with the right spirit

    Good Luck with your LIFE

    Enjoy It!!

  10. Well, with your great pessimistic view of the world, one would think so...

    The way you put it can make people believe is true; like we live, we struggle, then we die, be forgotten and that's it. Then another person comes along with a wide optimistic view on life and sees everything differently; tells you that there are moments when your happy and could never be forgotten. How great it is wake up doing something they love. How great it is to be able to live and learn from mistakes, etc... What I'm saying is that your view on life is very pessimistic, and whatever has made you like this; whether life has harden you, whether someone has took all your faith away or whether you been heartbroken, or never seen or felt love... it still seems like you have nothing else to live for at this sense.  

  11. Life gets better. for anyone, you just have to push the bull*** away and work with what you have.

  12. s*x, drugs, good music, good friends, n livin in the moment

  13. Of course it is. All we can do is try to make the best of it. And think about getting medication for our depression. :)

  14. wow

    thats depressing


    at least there are good things like s*x jokes coffee cigarettes booze friends laughter music

    yeah lifes a B****

    but meh

    live for good times

    take pills in the rest!

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