
Is Lindsay spelled Lindsey, Lindsy, or Lindsay?

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Is Lindsay spelled Lindsey, Lindsy, or Lindsay?




  1. It can actually be spelled like all of those.

    Lindsey is the guy's version of the name, while the latter two are for girls.

  2. I found this for you, on


    Scottish and English: from the Scottish surname, originally borne by Sir Walter de Lindesay, one of the retainers of King David I of Scotland (1084-1153), who took the name to Scotland from Lindsey in Lincolnshire. This place was named in Old English as the “wetland (Old English ey) belonging to Lincoln”. It was at first used as a male name, and this is still the case in Scotland, but elsewhere it is now nearly always used for girls. Variants: Lindsey, Lynsey, Linzi.

    hope this helps.

  3. All of the above are correct , just depends on how the parents want to spell the name.  Be creative.

  4. it depends on how the parents want it.

  5. Yes. Lindsi and Lindsie, too, although "Lindsi" would be the given name of a girl born after 1980, not a surname.

    Most given names and ALL surnames have variations. I used "Brian" through grades 1 - 12 and college,  before I applied for a passport and found my middle name was spelled "Bryan" on my birth certificate. "Catherine" has a dozen variations in English, without even getting into Katrinia and Kathrina.

    "Sean" is an Irish name pronounced "Shawn". Lots of kids get named "Shawn" because their (American) parents like the name and think "Sean" is pronounced "Seen".

    If it is a surname and you are looking for dead ancestors on a web site, use the "Soundex" option. I use soundex for "Pack", even though it is a sommon noun and a verb. I commonly find my ancestors as Pak, Peck, Poke, Pock, Park and Puck.

  6. It all depends on who names the kid. However the parents want it spelled. I think the most common is Lindsay.

  7. Being in genealogy.. you did not indicate if you mean first name or last. It can be both.

    For a first name, you get to pick, if you are the parent.

    If last name (looking for ancestors), the guy who picked was whoever wrote it in the church record, the land record, the census. He took his best guess sometimes, and if the person didn't read, who was he to argue? Thus.. looking for a record of a family, you will find ALL spellings, and none are always right/wrong. For genealogy, you care who the relatives are, and not if they spelled the name right.

    p.s.  if picking a baby name.. get 10 people to spell it off the top of their head, and go with the most common. Otherwise, baby will be spelling it to people for the rest of his/her life, and grumbling at you.

  8. I know a teenage girl named Lindzee!  

    I always thought that was a cute spelling...

  9. All of the above, depending on who named the child.

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