
Is Linz famous for anything?

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  1. Yes, Linz is famous for its steel production!! That's what I think of immediately when I hear Linz (as I think any average Austrian would, even though Linz has, over the past years, developed from a city of smoke-stacks to a very liveable and somewhat more culturally oriented place and thus shed some of its "fame" for steel).

    Austria's largest steelworks (which used to be called VOEST Alpine - an organization every Austrian has heard of) are there.

    And a special method of producing steel (making it especially pure by blowing oxygen onto the iron) was even named after Linz ("Linz-Donawitz Verfahren") because it was first applied there.

  2. lin z ,who is that? lin zhi can been eat, good for health

  3. Linz's most famous resident was the composer Anton Bruckner (1824-1896), if that tells you anything.  Bruckner is to Linz as Mozart is to Salzburg.  They're less proud of the fact that Adolf Hitler was born not far from Linz.  There's also Linzertorte, which is a kind of a nut cake you can get all over Austria, as well as a Linzer cookie, which is a butter cookie with a marmalade center.

    So to summarize, no, Linz isn't famous for anything important.  It's like a second-rate Salzburg.

  4. Linz is really just a small provincial town - BUT:

    *has the largest industrial steel mill in Austria (here the Linz-Donawitz-process of producing extra fine steel was invented)

    *both Adolf Hitler and Rainer Maria Rilke (famous poet) went to school there

    *the mathematician Johannes Kepler lived here (dicovered the 3rd law of planetary motion)

    *home of the Bruckner-Festival (Music)

    *always worth a visit: the Ars Electronica Center  ACE (exhibition of state-of-art multimedia projects)

    Also of course there is Linzer Torte: mode of nuts and butter and a bit flour and jam - even Mozart was a fan!

  5. Never heard of Linz, so they must not be too famous!

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