
Is Lipton Chicken Noodle soup vegetarian?

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I know that's a dumb question because it says it's chicken noodle but I've never seen traces of chicken in it, I don't have the box with the ingredients, just the little package thingy. Does anyone know?




  1. No!

  2. Yes, hence "chicken" noodle soup.

  3. Well, it looks like lots of people have already answered, but I'll throw in my response as well: Lipton Chicken Noodle Cup-a-Soup is not vegetarian. (I used to love it! *sigh*) It contains chicken bouillon and there is some chicken fat in the broth. When I used to get it (years and years ago) there were little bits of freeze-dried chicken in there, too.

    If you're strict about what you eat, you should not eat it. Always read labels, since even some veggie soups have animal fat or broth in them. When in doubt, pass.  

  4. It's ALL in the name.....CHICKEN is not a vegetable.  And eating chicken is not being vegetarian.

  5. even if it dosnt have lil bits of chiken in it, it's still made out of chicken broth....

  6.'s not.  It has powdered chicken broth in it.

  7. It is not vegie.  It does have little bits of chicken in it.  Processed..but still chicken.  

  8. no. it definately has chicken stock in it.  i wouldn't eat it as a vegetarian

  9. It does have chicken in it so no it isn't.

    Unless it says "vegetarian" or unless it's a kosher chicken-style, assume anything with the name chicken or beef has the actual meat in it.

  10. It is made from chicken, the broth is chicken broth. tomato soup or vegetarian vegetable is your best bet or it will have some sort of animal product in it.

  11. it probably has chicken/natural flavorings which implies traces of chicken. its probably in a chicken broth. which is from chicken.

  12. It's technically chicken soup, so no, it's not vegetarian.

  13. I'm not sure if it is or not, but I would be willing to bet that it has a lot of chicken bullion, unsure if that actually has chicken or not.

  14. Nope.  There's chicken fat in the broth.

  15. Even if it's just chicken stock or chicken broth, that is still not vegetarian.  Vegetarians don't eat animals and they don't drink them, either.  Chicken broth is made by boiling the carcass of a chicken, there doesn't have to be any chunks of flesh in there for it to not be a vegetarian food.

  16. laughs,   NO it's NOT.

    chicken is not vegetarian.       READ the INGREDIENTS!

    you are ONLINE, keyword it in

    use a real resource.

  17. its chicken YES it has chicken in it

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