
Is Los Angeles the bandwagon paradise?

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baseball = millions of tickets are sold the day of the Manny Ramirez trade

soccer = the same goes for David Beckham

basketball = when Kobe demanded a trade, Faker fans disappeared. and now they're all coming out of the closet after the Gasol trade.

football = they don't even have a team, so they're either bandwagon Raiders, 49ers, or Chargers "fans."

i'd say 100% of LA fans are bandwagon.




  1. The come out of the woodwork like roaches when the teams are good but are scarce when the teams are bad.

  2. if you knew anything about la sports, some la fans are raiders fans because they used to be in los angeles

    guess you were too young (or not even born yet)

  3. my brother is a fourth generation Laker fan. never will leave them. my favorite team is anyone but the spurs or pistons.

    and im a rams fan. hate the pats. last season killed me inside.

    ive tried watching baseball. but im not nearly as a devoted dodgers fan as my dad. actually he hasnt been to a dodger game in a while. but hes watched every game this season. the manny trade excited him but hes disappointed that they havent done better.

    and nobody in america watches soccer anyway. everyone in america jumped the Galaxy bandwagon after the beckham trade. especially teenage girls.  

  4. First off, I wouldn't be suprised if the "Ms. New Booty" account was the same person as the dipshlt posting up this whole thing. Every team and town or whatever has it's bandwagoners. I bet you that your sorry *** would start watching some other sport just because a superstar came to your home team. And "darin" is right. Do you REALLY know every, and I mean EVERY Los Angeles fan? Oh I bet you don't, I REALLY bet you don't. Because not all of us are like that. It's true, there are plenty of them around, but those kinds of people aren't just here. You, man you really got a lot of growing up to do. And c**p, if we all ever found out that you were an adult....boy then you'll really get it.

  5. of course. none of them are real fans and they only show up if they're team is winning. LA "fans" don't really care about sports at all. if Kobe left, the Lakers would be like the Clippers because 100% of Laker fans are unintelligent, arrogant, delusional, bandwagon Kobe jockers. Laker fans are so dumb, they don't even realize how much Kobe is choking right now. ever since Kobe stopped breastfeeding off Shaq, he hasn't accomplished anything (except robbing Chris Paul of the MVP, which he doesn't deserve).

  6. Yes and Boston is the close second.

  7. im not a bandwagon fan

    i stayed with the lakers since i was born even when they missed the playoffs and when kobe wanted a trade. id still be a lakers fan even if kobe left.

    no player is bigger than the team. im just happy that after watching them lose in recent years thay have made their way back to prominence as an nba elite team

  8. yup. you know every single la sports fan. wow your the most popular guy in the world then.

    you know every, i mean every single sports fan in la is a bandwagon fan?

    well you sound like you know every single sports fan in l.a so you msut be right dude.

  9. You have it all wrong...



  10. Hahaha. In my opinion, its either Boston Celtics fans or Golden State Warriors fans.

  11. O but when a great athlete come more fans come

    now answer my question;...

  12. oh come on guys, you are making me cry

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