
Is Los Angeles...well crazy???

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I always hear stories about LA and how well...abnormal it is. Is this true? and if so why. When I say weird I just mean like everything about it. People say its like a living Pulp Fiction not as bad obviously its just the taste of people are like that. So is LA...well different than anywhere else?




  1. Its just a regular city.

  2. I wouldnt call it crazy. I would call it unique. But if L.A. is crazy, then New York, Chicago and New Orleans must be really crazy. And i dunno who said that living in L.A. was like living in Pulp Fiction... btu i dont see a resemblence... Although im not really sure what there trying to say either...

  3. Maybe if you're from Mayberry and don't like to try anything new and different cultures frighten you.

    I moved here from Dallas and I don't think it's that crazy or weird here. I could find plenty of weird and crazy stuff and people in Texas when I lived there. Texas probably rivals California for number of strange religious cults that live on compounds.  

    I've only lived here for 3 years and the only thing that surprises me is the conservative red-neck contingent that lives in Southern California. People always talk about how liberal it is here, and Northen California is liberal, but So Cal is pretty conservative.

    I've met more sexist, homophobic, racist people here than I ever did in Texas.

  4. LA crazy? as compared to sh**kickers in Kansas? Well excuse me for being educated, progressive and tolerant. There are more universities in LA county than in some states! CA houses more schools in the US and News rankings (top 100) than any other states. While you hicks are debating evolution with your nonsense unscientific gumbomombo about intelligent design we are making progress in medicine and policy that you dumb fu**ing rednecks will one day have to rely on. But well you know... we need you ..... I love you.....who else would join the military?

  5. oh no! i live in la and its wonderful. there are some crazy people, but overall nothing too crazy. i guess if you come from a small town it would be shocking..

    there are some bad parts of town, but the pros outweigh the cons.

  6. The answer is no.

    It's no more crazy than any other city of comparable size.  There are pockets of weirdness, but there are also pockets of boring, every day life.  

    When you take into account that there are close to 15 million people in the greater Los Angeles area, you have to assume that you're going to have all kinds of people.  And I mean "all".

    Still, the city itself is surrounded by many suburbs or "bedroom communities" where life goes by just as it might in any other small or medium town in America.  

  7. LA is a pretty normal, cosmopolitan, large city - you've got homeless, foriegners, and lots of people. What else is new?

    But as the saying goes, America is three capitals: NY is the world capital of seekers of money, DC is the world capital of seekers of power, and LA is the world capital of those seeking fame. Because of the entertainment industry, there is a certain, unique pall cast over LA. Sometimes it shows in obvious ways and sometimes subtle. Sometimes its interesting and sometimes downright tragic. There is a lot of desperation to make it into the next echelon of show business that you will start to palpably feel over time.

    And of course there are the celebrities and the whole permanent industry of official and unofficial sycophants that resides here as well.

    The many colorful facades - both fake and honest ... of all these entertainment and arts types are what make LA it's specific type of weird. Why not come see for yourself?

  8. Califronia as a whole feels so isolated but its not as crazy like it`s cracked up to be...on the same note you can call New Orleans or New York crazy too...

  9. What town are you from??.  LA is a great city.  Crazy to outsider but normal to us Angelinos..  Come and visit...  Go Dodgers!!!!

  10. well yeah its bad ur gonna find lower parts normal though its bad but depending on the parts u got south central compton inglewood ull die hunny the way u talk so dont step there lol well i like it its not all that great how they make it seem tho

  11. Well LA is a very populated city, people everywhere, and I mean everywhere, but it's just a very buisy city. I hate LA because its very crowded, and the air is so filthy. And like every other 10 minutes you see some weirdo doing something out of the ordinary.

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