
Is Lou Dobb the TV Anchor with the stupidest ideas?

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Is Lou Dobb the TV Anchor with the stupidest ideas?




  1. Lou speaks his mind without a script or political slant. I find that  refreshing.

  2. Lou Dobb for President.

  3. I believe he is as smart as a ships anchor, and almost as entertaining.

  4. Dude Geraldo is still alive if I am not mistaken.  My concern is his sidekick, that chick that always does reporting and basically just agrees with him, I dont find her attractive... Not that I need the news read to me by an attractive woman... I dont know, she just always struck me as sort of an old maid....

  5. Lou Dobbs is the TV Anchor with the best gig l've ever seen to propel himself to the top of the heap.

    He chose one subject and is bleeding it to death making a name for himself all the while.

    He doesn't miss sleep about the truth of what he says.

    He can out talk anybody.

    He encourages hatred and prejudice, mocks those who are working for justice and common human decency.

    The only poll answers he shows are the ones that agree with him 100%. Funny how he never gets answers from somebody with a different point of view.

    Including me.

    l knew the inside scoop about a big deal on his show, a total farce. He was emailed about it by many people, told the facts, suggested he research the facts.

    **** the facts. He never answered anybody.

    The official that it was about basked in the sun, smirked at me and offered me a copy of the tape.

  6. He goes on about Illegal Immigration and the War on the Middle Class all the time. From time to time he also likes to mention how he said something on his show three years ago and how it is happenning now. He also has a creepy smile.

    There are plenty of stupid ideas/banter/ ramblings presented on television, it is hard to judge the stupidest.

  7. No he isn't.  His reporting tends to be more factual than any other CNN reporter:  He actually uses real sources and real information.

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