
Is Love created by s*x or time?

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is love created by time spent together or by the s*x and the connection you have there? I've been with my boyfriend for alittle over a year and we had no problems what so ever but see we had s*x the first day we met. Since then its been like perfect no problems nothing. Just a normal relationship, but is love created by the connection spent in bed or the time spent together .




  1. im pretty sure its by the time my boyfriend and I knew we loved eachother before we did it. Sometimes s*x gets in the way though because thats all they wanna do once they have it.

  2. Love is created by the love machine... ME

  3. s*x can create lust but love is a deep desire to be with someone and to put them before yourself.

  4. neither of these are correct . Love creates these things not the other way  around . s*x is what animals do every single day with no thought for their partner . Time spent together is created by love because if you truly love the person , you do not ever want to be apart . As for s*x F###ing is one thing and is s*x like animals , but making love which comes from love is a beautiful experience for both parties .

  5. Time spent together..... ALL THE WAY.

    s*x is more like.... pleasuring yourselves and your instincts.

    Physical attraction.

  6. Love gets created by random connections man, you do not need a million years to know you love a person. Usually you know right from the onset, that this person is very special. What takes time is admitting it to YOURSELF first, and then cementing the TERMS of the relationship.

    s*x on the other hand gets created by a movie followed by dinner......

  7. so you skipped the first kiss and went for the big-one s*x on the first date...your a winner... and you will never understand love because all you see is s*x..... love has to be built... and earned.... s*x is simple, as you have shown us....

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