
Is MC'CAIN serious??????

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Mc'cain wants to spend 300 billion dollars annually on tax cuts directed basically, to only the very top echelon of earners, dwarfing bush's 85 billion dollar tax cuts and previous tax cuts proposed in the past.

175 billion dollars of the tax cuts will be spent to reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%, even though the us has one of the most generous tax policies to corporations in the un.

He also wants to repeal the alternative minimum tax, claiming it would help 25 million people. each year congress exempts the middle class from this tax, helping 21 million people, so mccain's proposal will only help 4 million more, and nearly all of them make over 250k a year. He also wants to double dependent exemptions payments, though his plan helps richer families nearly nearly twice as much as the typical us family.

On top of all that, despite spending nearly 300 billion dollars to reduce taxes for the most well off in society he says he can balance the budget by 2013.




  1. And you get your information where?

    And by the way, tax cuts to corporations isn't giving them to the rich.

  2. mccain aint gonna do anything  all he does is talk

  3. Where did you dream up all this c**p you are spouting?  More importantly, if you believe 10% of this, you are way too gullible for your own good and boy, have I got some swamp land that you would love to buy!!

  4. I do not know where you get your information but go back and tell those Liberals they are just passing MIS information on from those other liberals who heard it from others and so on.  Why don't liberals start thinking for themselves.  Wake up.. Check out those things before you talk about them...

  5. yes he is serious, and your claim that only the most well off benefit is a serious falsification of facts.

    Look at the programs today, in America people that refuse to work and live off the rich, most live better than the hard working middle classes in other nations.

    a company making 100 million is made to pay 25%=25 million in taxes, then

    they pay their people who make the most pay 25% taxes

    then they are the ones who buy stuff from companies (that havent left the USA because of the high taxes, and expensive labor and pay 5-10% taxes in taxes as they pay the company and middle men for the product

    .  And the cycle begins again.

    in one cycle from corporation back to corporation of the  $100 million generated, approximately $ 50 millions ends up being paid in taxes, and the cycle begins again.

    and there is a tax on our soul too

    when the rich are over taxed to pay for others, many will choose to join the others to have the rich pay for them too.

    David in Jesus amazing grace

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