
Is MCCAIN FIT to be president?

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he is the oldest person running for president, and what if he forgets and minces countries names and makes huge mistakes. Im voting for obama- this guy cant handle this job. he should have had his time 10 yrs ago




  1. Yeah, he is too old. I don't think many republicans are voting for him because they think he is fit. They are voting for him because he calls himself a republican.

  2. The media said the same thing about Reagan.  

  3. Probably not, first he drags celebretards into the campaign and can't even win a debate with Mad Donna.  How well is he going to stand up against Obama when he's not spoon fed the questions?

  4. Fit and reporting for duty!

  5. I vote for Bob Dole. Bob Dole says the little blue pill kept him on with Libby. Bob Dole says Bob Dole's willing to run again.

  6. McCain is unfit because he wants to increase President Bush's taxcut for the wealthy to 2 million. Yet want to continue wars across the globe, increasing our debt to China.  

  7. Not to most rational people.

  8. why are all you kids so hung up on age, good grief get over it. Mccain is only 72 for petes sake hehe hes not dead yet! and another thing if obama died in office, we would have Biden as president and if Mccain did we would have romney, your not thinkiing the full picture here. Experiance counts for a whole lot more that age. and yes to answer your question mccain is fit ! hes tough and he dont bull c**p around, he will do what he says he will and that is why our enemies dont like him, they should be afraid of him, but the american people should not be afraid of Obama and i think they have reason to be,, he is just too weak a person to be president, he should so away and come back in about 20 years!

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