
Is MLK Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech the greatest in televised history?

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If you have a few extra minutes in your day, it couldn't be better spent watching this speech as a stirring reminder of where we've been, where we're at, and to keep pressing on toward the goal. We've come far but let's not stop short of the prize. Love and brotherhood!




  1. Not in MY opinion ! I think JFK's speech with " Ask not what your country can do fo you, but what you can do for your country " is the greatest ! That was aimed at ALL U S citizens, not just 13 % !

  2. Alright, I'll give you that


    in RADIO history, truly Kasey Kasem's immortal words of "Keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars"  are words of wisdom which shall endure for the whole of mankind.

  3. I believe that both the J.F.K, and M.L.K. speeches would rank at the top of the list.

  4. I agree with sweetdaddy rex 100%.

    JFKS speech was powerful as it was for ALL AMERICANS .a message to not stand with your hand out looking for a free and easy ride but dig in and help yourself,your neighbor,your community your country!!

    that is a message that is good for all time in my opinion.too many people wrongly feel they are entitled to be taken care of for life and all their illegitimate children as well without ever doing any thing,never giving back and draining this country's resources to which honestly they or their spawn are not worthy of!!!

    i also love MLKS speech as well.very inspiring!!! but i feel MLK meant it also for all races of people.he was working to inspire his fellow black Americans but i think it was really meant to unify us all not just the black population as DR KING was also a Christian.

    they are both wonderful in my opinion and both move me to tears!

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