
Is MMA ready for Prime Time TV?

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Do people who don't know the sport need to be more educated on it? Is EliteXC the right promoter?




  1. EliteXC is not the right promoter, they are turning it into WWE.  UFC can do it.  The announcers may need to inform the audience about what is going on on the ground through.  Too many dumb fans boo too quickly.

  2. The most violent content on television. Must be shown after ten p.m. With warnings of violent content.

  3. MMA is made for PPV. Maybe HBO or Showtime. Otherwise, nope.

  4. Absolutely.  If the NFL is allowed to run on prime time tv, why not mma.  Our judgments about what is and what is not violent in society seems to be entirely based on what we are used to.  I do agree that there needs to be educated commentators on tv so that the casual fan can understand what is going on so they don't think the guys are simply rolling around on the floor.  Also, EliteXC did a disservice to mma by broadcasting that event, with the exception of the Lawler-Smith fight.  They represented their show as mma when in fact it was closer to street fighting.  Ironically, the next night, on free tv, the WEC put on a card that was magnificent.  If that had been on prime time tv, everyone would have a different view towards mma and whether or not its violent.  Yes, violence is a big part of it, but it is skilled, technical violence, unlike some other forms of tv that are watched like "when animals attack" or "wildest police chases."

  5. If it is UFC, yes.  Elite XC effed it up.  Their show was terrible.

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