
Is MMI(Modern Montessori International) recognized around the world?

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i've thought of doing this diploma. i want to know whether up to what extent is it recognized?and what countries have recognized this diploma.




  1. This is a tough question?

    I've never heard of MMI but the following is what I have gathered from a quick search.

    MMI offers training for Montessori-based child care.  They also offer business classes.  They are based in the United Kingdom and have offices in countries on Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.  So they are probably recognized in those area.

    MMI appears to be a fairly large company but I do not find them to be affiliated with the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).

    They don't seem to be accredited by MACTE.  

    Both of the above organizations are important, at least in the USA.

    I wish I could be more helpful.

  2. Means nothing to me.

    Ime in the UK so its not that well known.

  3. I didn't know much about them and only vaguely heard about them, so I goggled the name and found this...

    Beware of 'Training Centres' claiming to have international diplomas and passing themselves off as reputable, highly accredited Montessori teacher training organizations, but who really have little substance.

    The College of Modern Montessori has no connection whatsoever with 'Modern Montessori Singapore' or 'Modern Montessori International' (London and Singapore).

    That means that there some problems with some of the training centers.  I don't know which ones though. You are going to have to look deeper into the program you are looking at to find out.

    Is there a reason why you aren't looking into the more mainstream programs like AMS or AMI for example?

    One suggestion, and I know this upsets some other pro-Montessori posters here, and so I say sorry to them in advance, but this is my opinion… I would stay away from on-line programs.  Although not the only part of it, a big part of Montessori education the use of the materials and for that you really need the hands on aspect that a physical training center will give you.  Additionally, it is so important to be at a training center so that you can see how all the theory you are learning is applied in reality, with the guidance and debriefing of your instructor at the time of the observation.  Two of the biggest problems people have when they first start teaching in a Montessori school is curriculum implementation and classroom management. Therefore I think it is imperative that teacher trainees receive hands on training to help them internalize these concepts.

  4. I'm not familiar with it other than here.

    A list of teacher training schools, both inside and outside the US, that are accredited through one of the largest Montessori organizations.

  5. one can only wonder...........

  6. Where are you and how many trainging centers do they have?  I have only heard of AMS and AMI training in Montessori.   I would do some serious research before I signed up for that training!

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