
Is Mad Dog Wine made from real grapes?

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Is the MD 20/20 wine made from real grapes? Are there any really inexpensive wines that are? I know it's a fortified wine, but that doesn't say a lot about what the initial substance is...




  1. The MD doesn't stand for "Mad Dog" it stands for "Mogan David" and is made by the Mogen David Wine Corporation. Many of their wines are well regarded, MD 20/20 is not, but it is actually a grape-based wine.

    "Fortified" means they've added something to it which ups the alcohol content, you see the same thing with ports and sherries. I'm guessing in MD's case that fortification comes from grain alcohol, which is cheap to produce and has a very high ABV.

    So the short of it is that Mad Dog is cheap wine mixed with everclear.

  2.    dahhhh.its mad dog.

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