
Is Mad Magazine dirty?

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I want to subscribe for it... can anyone tell me if it's clean, or is full of s*x and curse words?




  1. i dont know.

    but my friend gets it.

    hes only fourteen.

    i dont know if it is really dirty though...

    i think it has like teenage humor though.

  2. MAD magazine is kinda adult orientated in as much as a lot of kids won't understand the jokes, but its not an adult magazine. It's been out for years and it's full of what I'd call "Zany humour". buy a copy at the news agents before you subscribe cos I don't think it's that funny.

  3. Idk, but it could be like Mad TV. Crazy????

  4. DO NOT my friends brother suscribed to it and he showed us and ewwww it was alll p**n naked girls smuthered in fudge girls ******* girl horny ugh and u could see the gurls b***s asses and stuff UGH!its soooooooooooooooooooo discusting ud e better off if u didnt suscrribe
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