
Is Madonna a typical liberal, comparing a US War Hero like John McCain to Hitler?

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unbelievable! have libs sunk to new lows?




  1. I don't think that's TYPICAL of liberals.

  2. Madonna should stick to things she is good at

    Like stuffing as many strange men into her v****a as she can.

    If she had as many peckers sticking out of her as she has had stuck in her she would look like a porcupine.

    A whores political opinions are meaningless.

  3. All of the following questions reference Obama as Hitler.

    Unbelieveable!  Have cons sunk to new lows?;...;...;...;...

  4. she's an extremist... just like the extreme cons that compare Obama to Hitler...

  5. Madonna is also an idiot.

  6. I just answered a similar question. My fave contributer hit in right on the head. Madonna insulted Ghandi and glorified Hitler. She is the train wreck of all train wrecks she is an international disaster.

  7. yes she is free to speak her mind, but it was too compare anyone to Hitler or Mugabe.   Why do celebs feel it is there place to put their views out at a concert?  Its just annoying more than anything, no matter what their view is.

    I can't even imagine the h**l a conservative celeb would go through if they said that about Obama.  

    One last thing, how do people on here say McCain is not a war hero??? He is, along with Jim Webb and John doesn't matter what their political view is!!!  Wake up people

  8. No, Madonna  is not a typical anything.

    Is your reasoning process typical of phony conservatives?

  9. She's a lowlife.  Always has been.  But yes, I find that typical of the liberal rhetoric.  They have no boundries of what's appropriate.  After all, look at them defend her here and add their own inappropriate insults to McCain's military service, which NO ONE ever said qualified him to be president.  They just keep claiming that so they can keep insulting him about his POW experience.

    You're the idiot, 22 year old.  Go to the entertainment section already.

  10. She isn't even American anymore, so who give a c**p what she thinks! It just shows, once again, the ignorance being spread by the ignorant.

  11. Harry Finklestein owned by Forget War Buy More!!!  LOL  I love it!

  12. I don't think Madonna is a typical anything.  She is, however, a marketing genius.  Need proof?  Read your question and answers.

  13. I don't think Madonna is a typical anything.  She's comparing McCain to a notorious fascist and that seems reasonable.

    You are hypocritical and that seems to be the tactic of a typical conservative.  All of the many ridiculous comparisons of Obama to Hitler that came from the right-wing drew no criticism from you.  

  14. McCain is no US war hero, or do the Republicans think giving intel to the enemy is something a hero does?

  15. She is pathetic, she needs to be put in a home and quit running around naked why would you go see granny dacing on stage anyways, GROSS!

  16. Madonna and roseanne come from the same bed of mushroom dung, I would gladly buy both of them a one way ticket to iran as their new home.

  17. So what you're saying is the since McCain was a POW means he is perfect and can never be criticized for his backwards n**i mentality? People like you hurt this country more than any lib ever could. Blind support in people based on passed achievement is text book fascism. Apparently, you support fascism. Although, I don't you're bright enough to know the definition of fascism, most n**i's don't.

  18. Yeah, that whole freedom of  speech thing is a mutha, ain't it?  

  19. Yes, she is, and that's just what some liberals do.

  20. Pretty much yes she is, at least the typical far left liberal..

  21. I would LOVE to challange the "material girl" on this issue.

    Obama is a socialist.At no time during history has a socialistic/fascist

    goverment ever suceeded.

    Ms. M needs to compare the speeches of Musolini and Obama.

    Hitler was a master orator so is Obama.The speeches of Mussolini and Obama are very similar.Mussolini made promises of change he could not keep.He was finally executed and had his brains beaten out by his own people.Good thing Madonna can sing and dance. she is way off on her politics.

  22. McCain is NOT a hero.  He is a war veteran and former POW.

    Madonna is free to speak for herself, and you are free to misinterpret it and apply her statement s to other people.  Such ignorance has been defended by McCain and Kerry, so that people like you and Madonna can cast stones wildly about with little reason.

  23. You're right; Hitler is too smart.

  24. Madonna has always questioned and spoke out against authority and politics, there's really nothing more American than that. I think she's just speaking her mind like all of us do, of course she has a platform, but people don't have to agree with everything they see or hear, it's up to them to think on their own.

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