
Is Manchester sexist?

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I'm surprised feminists haven't expressed their outrage over how sexist Manchester it, and demanded strikes and protests to change the name to Personchester.




  1. Manchester isn't sexist in any way, if you're serious.

    If you're a troll trying to be funny, nice try.

    EDIT: johno, what's the latest on Cristiano?

    I hope he doesn't leave. The Premier League would never be the same again.

  2. And I'm NOT surprised you think feminists get that worked up about geographical names.

  3. My home town, we like the name here it keeps the feminists away.

    *According to the news he wants to go to Spain for £75 million, so we will just have to wait and see what happens, fingers crossed he will stay:-D

  4. Um i personally do not care..

  5. Looking at the bosom of most feminists, I think they are all manchesters themeselves

  6. Why should we care about the name? It doesnt really affect the player's condition or whatsoever.

  7. "The name "Manchester", came from the Roman name Mamucium, thought to be a Latinisation of an original Celtic name (possibly meaning "breast-like hill" from mamm- = "breast"), plus Anglo-Saxon ceaster = "town", which is derived from Latin castra = "camp"."

    So yes it is sexist, but not in the way you refer to :-)
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