
Is Mariah Carey popular in Mexico????

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I'm Just wondering???Her Music & all???Also Mariah is much more Beautiful than those women on Mexican soap operas with there Butt Implants & dye jobs..Why do they feel the need to have a fake booty???So grosss???I'm sure most Mexican men find her s**y,as most Mexican men I talk to love Big Boobies.Also what about Prince???




  1. Seriously you have problems..... What was your POINT??? Your question was: Is Mariah Carey Popular In Mexico????

    then you start insulting Mexican actress by drawing arrogant conclusions... You have problems

    And i totally agree w/ Patito up above!!

  2. I think she is popular in mexico, isnt she part venezuelan or something? lets not get started on mexican men, I have a few mexican friends and they love to drink, and have babies. the mexican women look nothing like the plastic soap opera ones, thanks for clearing that up for they are confused, I dont think they know what the h**l they like.

    its just me though.

  3. hello kate!...

    i'm impressed  by the fact  my mexican fellow sisters  started picking on you by the solely fact you critized the mexican soap opera actresses!.

    shame on you mexican girls!...

    you all know  KATE IS right!  not only the actresses , the whole d**n upper-middle class young girls are so fake!, material , laziest, golddiggers, I only see emptyness.

    seriously the people who regularly use the facebook so the internet "the educated people who has access to internet" is so superficial and let me tell you all,  I created myspace account and I invited mexican girls to add me as a friend ,only  4 mexican girls accepted my request , on the other hand I started seding requests to Australian women from the town i lived in for 6 months, well I got hundreds of friends, what's wrong with you all mexican girls.

    The fu+++ng mexican network on facebook is an illusion, tons of facists girls in their 20's singles, big b***s , slender body, tall, where do they all come from?, I've never seen young women like those on facebook in my whole life in mexico, why are the facebook mexican girls so fake, this is gross.

    let me tell you something.. I have girl friends from all over the world,  HAHAHA .. if you mexican fresa (cocky) women keep being  far so picky , there are hundreds of beautiful , smart, tall , and nice girls in U.S.A., Canada, france, ireland, Australia . looking for mate  and   you  fresa women can't do anything to  overcome  the coming mexican young,skilled men drought  , because it's easier for any mexican men to look for greener pastures overseas.

    I 've seen fullfilled my prophecy in which not only european skilled men is coming to mexico to get a wife, french and canadian girls are starting to arrive to mexico to look for mate specially the fittest ones. hahaha

    shame on you!   mexican young arrogant and ccocky girls!. hahaha  

    there are  millions of foreign girls  desperate to find mexican mate.


    MARIAH CAREY was more popular some years ago.

  4. Yes, she is; but not more than mexican musicians.

  5. yes,they are

  6. yes she is but  not in a good way !  Because she was dating a mexican sirger that is a millioner. and people think she is a goldigger . oh and his name is Luis Miguel !   prince is not popular  M jackson  is very popular.

  7. Patito and Mexicana got it right!!!! Let me tell you though, that even though Mariah used to be popular here it's been a looong time since we don't hear anything new about her (not even a nervous breakdown such as the one she had some 3-4 yrs ago)...... no new music, nothing that I know of. She was never as big as Britney or Madonna -- I don't even think she has offered any concertes/shows in Mexico. What does that have to do with her big b***s though?? As Patito said, Britney had some as well and they were FAKE, as is her blond hair (mexicans aren't the only ones who dye their hair you know)!!! Did that make her any more or less popular?? No..... so I really don't get what you were trying to achieve with this question..... Prince? No, he isn't that very popular here either.

  8. Mariah isn't popular in Mexico

    dislike Mariah wua

  9. You mean to tell me that all American woman look like Madonna, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, etc. and that American actresses don't get boob jobs? And you think that American man don't like big b*****s? please.

    I am not so sure the point of your question because you begin by asking something really simple and supposedly unbiased question: Is Mariah Carey popular in Mexico? the answer is yes.

    But then, out of nowhere you begin to rant against SOME of the Mexican conductors or actresses immediately transforming this apparently simple question to a venting and prejudice statement.

    Don't be so naive.

  10. Mexican women HAVE big butts... its the latina body type...

    I think u have issues... just because u dont have a bis *** it doesnt mean that u need to insult people that does have big butts...

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