
Is Marijuana addicting and if so why?

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I know lots of people who do it but, all of them are quite pitiful. Why do they seem so dependent on this drug? Why can't they seem to live a day or two without it?




  1. Marijuana is not addicting, but maybe mentally it can be for some people.

    People may not eat if they don't smoke it, or may have troubles sleeping  when they come dependant on it.

    In my opinion, I rather smoke marijuana than any other drug around

  2. its about as addictive as brownies, (or your favorite food, for example) to give a relative measure or example of type of "addiction" it is. it has been proven that it is less addictive than caffeine.

  3. Yes, because of the Harrison Act of 1914.

  4. it can become addicting best thing is to not ever try it

  5. There is no PHYSICAL dependence (you don't need more and more of the drug to get that high, as you would with heroin)

    However, there could be a PSYCHOLOGICAL addiction, where they feel they cannot make it through the day without being loaded

  6. baby-rae:

    If you believe marijuana is the most addicting drug you have proven to not know ANYTHING about drugs.

    Arianna G:

    You've got it wrong. Marijuana is NOT physically addicting but it IS habit forming. Anything can be psychologically addicting (meaning you desire it but your body doesn't need it), video games, the internet, etc.

    You also seemed to generalize quite a lot. I think you would be very surprised how many people smoke weed for reasons other than it being a crutch or to hide from problems in their lives.

  7. I don't agree with the other people who say that weed isn't physically addictive. My boyfriend has been smoking every day for almost 4 years now (Most days he smokes at least 3 times. Which I HATE!!)

    If he doesn't smoke that day, he gets super sweaty (soaking his side of the bed) and he can't sleep at all. He has to get up and take a few hits to get to sleep. I love my boyfriend to death, but I've tried everything and he just can't stop!

    I think that it's just your personality and genes that makes you addicted to marijuana. Most of his family are smokers who do it regularly, too. (Which makes me really worried about our son.)

  8. No, despite what people say. it is actually just really habit forming but it can be broken. its scientifically proven to be not addictive but fully a psychological habit

  9. not addicting  but fun as h**l u want to have a lot right thats why they keep on doing it cause its fun

  10. TECHNICALLY, Marijuana is not addicting.

    HOWEVER; a person with an addictive personality can addict to anything. I know, I was many years ago.

    Yes, I may have seemed pathetic then. But I was dealing with parental abuse, learning disabilities, low self esteem, and serious depression that plagues me to this day.

    Marijuana allowed me to escape from the stress of being me. No it wasn't the best choice, but my shame and self loathing was turned inward and unbearable.

    I also smoked cigarettes. It was actually easier for me to quit cigarettes than it was pot. I have been drug free for many many years now. I never did 'hard core' drugs.

    It was not the proudest period of my life, but it was my life.

  11. I don't know but it stinks and makes people act stupid.

  12. scientifically, marijuana shows no evidence that it is mentally or physically addictive.


    like anything you can become addicted. many people become addicted to p**n, some to driving fast, others to stealing, some to eating, shopping, spendind, lieing, sleeping...ADDICTION DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A CHEMICAL DEPENDANCE.

    with marijuana (i feel) that it isnt like they cant go without it for 2 weeks or else they will keel over sick with a cold sweat and anxiety, they would just rather be high than not high.

    likewise, you could say that almost every american is addicted to coffe, because i feel like i couldnt start my day without it!!! am i a raving coffee-a-holic? no. i just like the caffeine and how it wakes me up.

    that said, your friends are not "addicted", they just like how it makes them feel and wish to go after that feeline everyday, much like me and my coffee.

  13. Marijuana gives you a feeling and if you don't have a strong enough personality to stop. You get this feel good feeling, the world you live in is crappy, don't you want to go back. It is like anything that makes you feel good don't you want more of that feeling?

    You grow up with people praising everything you do, it is suddenly taken away. What do you do?

  14. “I've never personally taken it, I've never done it, I don't know, A guy I was in college with…”

    Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.  Even when it is based on ignorance.

    Is Marijuana addictive?  The fact is: yes.. I mean no...  Really, there are studies that claim both sides, easily found by google.  I mean yahoo;)

    Take them with a pinch of salt.  Anti-drug groups tend to trumpet studies that show marijuana is bad.  Pro-drug groups tend to like publishing studies that show marijuana is not so bad.

    Generally, marijuana is not considered addictive in the same way as heroin would be.  (Unless you loosen the definition of addiction, as some studies like to do).

    However, marijuana is habit-forming.  Like biting your nails, or eating junk food.  Its not easy to stop biting your nails or eating junk food.  It can also not be easy to stop smoking weed.  However, those are for psychological, not physiological reasons.  As such, NOT ADDICTIVE!

    By the way, former pot head.  Twice a day and four times on Sunday for many years.  Gave it up because I got bored of it - outgrew it.  Just stopped cold.  Easy not to smoke weed when you don't have any, just like easy not to eat junk food when there is none in the house.

  15. I've never done it but I use to have friends that did it quite often. I guess it's because the first time you try it it's this new enticing experience that feels so different than your natural state and it makes you feel well, high. Most of the people say they feel much happier on the drug. People become extremely dependent on the drug, thinking that's the only way they can be happy. They think nothing else can give them that intense feeling of highness as marijuana. Once you try it, you'll most likely want to try it again because you enjoy the feeling. This occurs again and again, until you become addicted. It becomes such a persistant nagging for the drug that you start to feel a certain emptyness without it. It alters your mind set and changes how you act. My friends were not my friends on the drug, they were completely different people that I no longer knew.

  16. it's not PHYSICALLY addictive. you don't get withdrawals or seizers like you do with other drugs. marijuana is PSYCHOLOGICALLY addictive. people use it frequently or becoming seemingly addicted because they're so used to be high all the time. and when they aren't high they don't feel 'normal.'

  17. Yes, it is addictive.  People lose themselves and their talents to drugs all the time, and this is one of the offenders.

    A guy I was in college with was always buzzed -- not high, too mellow -- very bright, but just too lazy to do his work due to the Marijuana.  What a waste.

    I tried a couple of hits from his stash, and all it made me want to do is sleep.  So tired.  I wouldn't want to go around in a stupor all the time.  

    I'm pretty much a ding-a-ling anyway because my mind is always active so from a single word in a conversation, I may have taken an intelligence journey so when I come back into the conversation, I have to explain where I was in order to not offend the speaker.  It is flattering to know that what a person said gave me a mental analysis, and I'm usually okay.

  18. I've never personally taken it but everyone I've ever talked to said that its non habit forming but....  I'm not sure about that because a lot of people become dependent on it as a crutch to solve their problems or make them go away.  You may not get addicted to it like crack/cocaine/ or heroin.. but it's still a problem if you do it frequently.  It's not natural to be high all the time and not address problems in your life.

    Pitiful people turn to pitiful drugs and rely on them for comfort instead of getting help in other ways.

  19. it sia not that addicting people usually only do it on the weekends and stuff like that.  but its not addicting i could probably just stop doing it if i wanted to.  peopel dont really use it if they have problems in life. they just use it for the feeling of being high.

  20. yea the most addicting drug around. I don't know why though

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