
Is Mars hollow and could it sustain intelligent life underground?

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People have talked of the hollow Earth theory which doesn't seem to exist. Is it possible that intelligent life could be sustained deep under Mar's surface layers like in the Hollow Earth Theory?




  1. It could be, yes.  But it might not be.

  2. No it would just collapse in on itself, plus theres not enough energy underground to easily sustain a huge environment of multicellular organisms, the closest thing to hollow planets is the icy moons of the gas giants with their tidal heated oceans inside

  3. There have always been ideas about a hollow Earth. When they became discredited some people said, "Well, the moon is hollow." They claimed that it rang like a bell for two hours when the boys landed on it. Now it's "Mars is hollow too."

    There isn't any evidence whatsoever and it goes against accepted theories in geology, physics, math etc.  that are based on EVIDENCE.

    PS. John Lear's evidence is indicative of some kind of disorder. Whilst he claims there are buildings there, he also asserts that 9/11 was a US conspiracy to increase the heroin trade and use the money to finance a secret war against aliens! I mean come on? Use Occam and go for the obvious instead of piling on layers of speculative invention.

  4. No.  There's no way to create a hollow planet or moon.  As material collects under the force of gravity, it makes a solid sphere.  There is no way it could organize itself into a spherical shell.  It's impossible.

    The only people who believe stuff like this are people who also believe retarded things like 'NASA is doctoring mars photos to make it look different.'

  5. Hollow Earth theory is BOGUS! Mars is NOT hollow.

  6. If you where to ask Jon Lear, all planets have intelligent life. They have been able to deduce the moon is hollow based upon the vibrations it generates from collisions with other matter. As for Mars, I guess anything is possible. I was briefly able to see the actual photographs of Mars before they got doctored by NASA and I can tell you, the surface of Mars is nothing like what it is purported to be. Its quite possible there is intelligent life on its surface, let alone inside...

  7. The gravity exhibited by a planet is determined by it's mass.  Mars would not have enough mass to hold on to its two moons if it was hollow.

    Science can calculate the mass of all the bodies in the Solar System based strictly on their relative motion.

    Physics dispells a great many myths like this one.

  8. There is no mechanism that could create a hollow planet. Planets are constituted by the accumulation of smaller bodies that fall on one another.

    Even if there was a hollow planet, it would not be able to support itself against its own gravity, let alone against the occasionally impacting large meteor.

    To allow for being hollow, a planet would have to make up for the missing mass by being made from much denser material.

  9. It's definitely not hollow; hollow planets can't exist. There's not enough structural strength in rock to support a hollow planet. However, that doesn't mean that it doesn't contain any hollows. Earth has many caves, formed either by water or by lava, both of which have been known to exist on Mars. With the lower Martian gravity, cave systems could be quite enormous. I would not be at all surprised if a future Mars mission discovers life there, though not necessarily intelligent.

  10. no, its a ridiculous theory. its not possible at all

  11. Mars interior got scanned lately by the Mars Express probe, which has a 50m long radar antenna available.

    No indication of large cavities found in the penetration depth of the radar (around 300m)

    What is known is, that Mars had a magnetic field - it's crust still has noticeable magnetism pattern. So, Mars has a metal core which was once able to produce more magnetism as today.

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