
Is Mary a weird name for an 11 year old girl?

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Tell me the truth, please. I mean, it's not like I know you.




  1. No, it's a pretty, classic name.

  2. It's a little different, cuz im 11 and I dont now anyone named Mary, but thats not a bad thing. I like that name!

  3. Nope. Its a classic name that everyone can easily pronounce, and spell. It is a little old fashioned, but all the older Marys out there were once 11 years old too.

  4. No, i love it. My sisters 17 and shes called Mary, it totally suits her.

  5. unclefester is a beter choice. all the hip kids hav it these days.

  6. well to tell you the truth I've known a lot of Mary and they were all 20-30 years old but its not weird.

  7. no honestly its not weird. theres a girl in my class with that name. no one says its weird.

  8. Nether Do I Its Fine Every One Shood Be Proud Of There Name I Dont Like my Name I Think Its Weird... Megan And Im 10 =)

  9. um no not at all... Mary, or versions of it is pretty much the most popular name for women in the world. Actually, about 7 women in my family are named some form of Mary.  This are people from 6 to 80.

  10. Why would you think Mary is a weird name for anyone.  Mary is a beautiful name.  Enjoy it and be glad your name isn't Megan or Katie or Ashley or Lindsy like the rest of the 11 year olds.

  11. No, it's a very normal name. Atleast people can pronounce it.

  12. Not at all. Mary is a great name. It's really pretty!

  13. Not at all!  It's a great name, for any age.  

  14. no

    you should love your name

    it was given by your parents who love you

  15. Well, the name Mary has never been one of my favorites but it's not weird for an 11 year old girl. In fact, there is an  11 year old girl named Mary right down my block!

  16. of course not. i think its a cool name. I'm 14 years old and i have a friend named mary and its normal, she doesn't like her name either but its unique!

  17. I don't think it is weird at all.

  18. No not all. Its better than my name (Shelby)

  19. Are you saying you're 11?

  20. I guess it is.  It's the first time I hear someone is called Mary.

  21. no. why would it be weird?

  22. yeah.

    bloody mary. (the drink and the monster)

    holy mary.

    it is =/

  23. not at all...Mary is an awesome name! why would u think its weird? i know so many people named mary, and plus u wont be 11 forever, your gonna grow up and relize u have a beautiful name!

  24. no.

  25. Not at all, it's retro chic!

  26. Mary is probably the most popular name of all time -- as in, throughout history...My mom's name is Mary and I am thinking of giving my baby a double name that starts with Mary -- like "Mary Addison" -- I think it is beautiful.  

  27. Mary, Mary Mary - what a beautiful name and it's your name.  

  28. no

  29. i knew a mary .. i'm 24 now... but she was a gorgeous girl... fun and popular too! :)  

    every mary is 11 at one point or another.  whats your middle name?  you can maybe find a nickname if youdont like it? mines dana.. i'm not a fan of my name either.. but i added a y so its dayna.. people call me dayne and thats a terrible name but hey... its the only one i got!!

    so be happy with it.  hey you can even pronounce it marie... i know a lot of younger girls named marie that are adorable!  

  30. I know about 3 Mary's who are 11 or 12 so no I don't think it's weird at all.

  31. I don't see why it would be. I've always loved the name Mary, in fact for the longest time I've always thought of naming my future daughter by that name. I think it's very beautiful and elegant. Definitely not a weird name, for any age!

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