
Is Mats Sundin going to let Montreal take him as a free agent?

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if montreal gets him they will win the cup




  1. ^ wake up from your dream..... all those guys? What kind of cap system are they using? Remember if they sign Sundin.... they will have to do something for Toronto... Mats will make sure of that... like a sign and trade handshake deal. So a few players go bye-bye in that deal if it happens..... MON still has a goalie that was weak at best in the playoffs! He has to show more next year. He was lit up by the FLYERS... the FLYERS! He needs a to get better!

  2. lol at the first guy to answer, dude you are not going to be able to sign two of the names you just mentioned under the cap so you have to pick one.  As far as the question yes Toronto has granted  Montreal permission to negotiate with Mats and if they are able to come to an agreement there will be some sort of compensation going back to Toronto for letting them do so. But no Sundin will not bring you the Stanley Cup, might get you to the finals because the East is a far weaker conference but will not win you the Cup, keep in mind that the current champs have plenty of room under the cap to add a Jagr or Sundin type to there roster and if they do so I think they would be the heavy favorites to repeat

  3. NOO!!!!

    Sundins not going no where! i have stated this before and i will say it again Sundin is going to end his career as a maple leaf.


    anything can happen.... i think whatever Sundin decides to do will be the right decision!

  4. Sundin inexplicably makes people around him underachieve. He was surrounded by a stacked Quebec team  and it wasn't until the trade for Wendel that the team started to become a real force . Same in Toronto ,no matter who played with him Sundin was the only one who performed. Good luck Montreal.

    Er Eric, what exactly are you trying to say?

  5. lol. nips is having a coniption. take a deep breath!!!

    i was laughing at all those players. it's almost as whack as all the players from this years draft i wanted the leafs to pick with their 1 first round pick.

    how people forget that he was a nordiques.

    people view his going to montreal as a betrayal like he never played in quebec at all you habs fans...and yeah but you know what i can't even speak about this year without being disgusted about how he was treated, and of course him being who he is he holds no grudges but **** i'd be wanting to get out of this city and breathe some fresh air or be in a different scene because being here would do my head in. be greatful he's considering the habs. and all the he's going down in his career. so what he's getting older, doesn't mean that he can't contribute to any here's to hoping that the leafs can keep him.

    i hope he doesn't retire and if he does he retire i want it to be as a leafs. also jp said that they're structuring a deal and then they'll see if mats will sign it, but yeah he said he doesn't know if mats will come back this season either way. please God, let mats stay a leafs.

  6. this is mostly for randolph above me...he knows nothing of anything if you think in toronto sundin made everyone underachieve

    the only winger who didnt perform well with mats was jason blake and only god knows why.

    lets look at the c**p sundin has played with on his wings- antropov, ponikarovsky, lonny bohonos, jonas hoglund, to name just a few

    when he had roberts and mogilny, they were easily the best, or second best line in the league (it was the bertuzzi-naslund-morrisson time)

    sundin has carried this team and you shut your mouth about making people underachieve, he's the only reason the leafs had any offence this year, especially with antropov.

    the habs would be unbelieveably lucky to get mats because he is a world class player and amazing in the dressing room. he'd also by far be the best hab, not flopping around or anything! id hate to see him leave T.O

  7. i hope so with tanguay and sundin and maybe hossa or selane or campbell well be amazing

  8. Find out on July 1st. They just started talking today so what makes you think that he'll sign right away?

  9. Suindin has a 7 Million dollar offer sitting on his table right now. In order to entice him to sign with Montreal they're going to have some side benefit that Toronto can't provide. If they can sign Naslund it might sway Sundin's mind but I don't think Montreal can afford that.

    Aside to RoadDawg. Montreal has more room under it's cap than Detroit, more income coming to the box, and doesn't have a UFA that is going to be asking for a 6 million increase this year. So watch your threat about repeating. After all this isn't fantasy here.

  10. I'm a Habs fan, and I feel nauseous!

    you don't know how much i have loved to hate the guy over the years lol

    ummm I know he played for the Nordiques, I didn't like him then either.  Keep in mind that I know he's a good player, it's just hard as a Habs fan to pretend after all these years (Nordiques and Toronto...our 2 most hated teams as Habs fans) pretend to now like the guy if he comes to Montreal.

  11. Montreal does not need sundin to win the cup thank you very much. sundin is a piece of c**p. i have hated him for years. i would be pissed if he came to montreal. DON"T SIGN SUNDIN! PLEASE BOB DON"T DO I T!

    what kind of name is mats anyway? what a g*y.

  12. "At this point Mats still hasn't decided if he wants to play, let alone where," said Sundin's agent, J.P. Barry. "But obviously the Leafs are trying to facilitate a decision."

    Anything is possible at this point.

    I honestly think this would not be a good decision for the Canadiens. Sundin is only a few years away from retirement, they need to spend their money on a younger player.

    I personally think Sundin will either stay with the Leafs or go back to Sweden.

  13. Why would sundin betray toronto.

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