
Is Matsui a reliable brand?

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I'm planning to buy a new HDTV made by Matsui, and I was wondering if it was a reliable brand and not cheaply made like some other TV's I have owned in the past.

Here is the TV:




  1. You're question is REALLY good and I think I have the answer for you.

    Matsui is ALSO a brand name for......want to guess?  Samsung.

    Samsung TV's, as you are aware, are some of the best on the market.  Matsui is the brand name they use for outside US sales.  They also use Matsui for some of their lower-end products.  From the specs off your link, the tv there is a lower-end, standard TV.  As for quality....well, it's so-so.  Something along the lines of a Toshiba branded item.

    I know Matsui because I use to work for a company in Southern California that was contracted with Dell and LG Electronics.  I'd go visit vendors and would come across quite a few Matsui tv's from Taiwan or China.  There's a small number in the US, but because of no brand recognition, are not openly sold - unless they rebadge it and call it a Samsung :)

    Hope this helps!

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