
Is Matt Kenseth Hot/hawt or what?

by Guest32605  |  earlier

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  1. he's hotter than a f**t on a hot summer day

  2. Kenseth's driven his way into my heart, but Tony Stewart is the hawtness...

    Give me a driver with Kenseth's skill, Stewart's hawtness, and Dario Franchitti's voice... yum!

  3. I'm a guy so... no.

    Geez calm down! lol

  4. Honestly I think he is fugly... sorry.  

  5. Okay.... I have the answer you're looking for Jes!!!

    Are you ready for it?

    Matty Matt is the HAWTEST little hottie stud muffin, EVER!

    He's the yum-yum yummiest little Roushie-poo!!!! And I could just squeeze him to pieces and kiss his wittle face all day and night!!!

    Am I right?  

  6. no just a great driver

  7. or what.

  8. Between Kenseth, Stewart and Gordon, OH, and JR..Those guys dont even look at girls..They have alternative lifestyles.

  9. Yeah,is that you in the pic smacking with him!

  10. Okay I think Matt is a little cute! Will that work for you cause I can't really say I think he is hot but will you settle for cute? LOL

  11. I'm sure his wife Katie thinks so... Okay I say he cute, he looks better than some of the driver out there..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  12. Is Matt Kenseth Hot/hawt or what?

    Well I guess i am going to have to go with "or what"

    LOL  Seriously he'  OK?  There i said it for you.  JUST for you OK???

    Please don't make me say it again.

  13. I don`t think so. Who knows?? I am a man. I value your opinion. So if you say so who am I to disagree. Btw thanks for all the best answers . You are great. Keep up the good work.Write me sometime.

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