
Is McCain's VP choice the most transparent BS you've ever seen?

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I'm an independent voter. But to be honest it appears to me that John McCain's Choice for VP is the most transparent nonsense I've ever seen.....whaddya think?




  1. I agree.  It is funny how he just ran that t.v. spot congratulating Obama for his achievements thus far, especially as a minority overcoming the odds, so to speak.  Now he has a woman as his veep?  He has just started a game of tug-of-war with Obama by having a different "first" on his side.  It really speaks poorly of him and his campaign advisers that this move was made.  Perhaps she is the best candidate for the job, I won't rule that out as a possibility.  But, why set it up this way to make McCain look like the sweet and kind hearted old man giving kudos to the first black presidential candidate, when he was going to try to "one-up"  obama in the history books the very same week.  I know that's politics, and politics don't have to be played fairly, but really, that just makes him look even more underhanded than anything else, to me at least.  

  2. and the Dem's choice of osama wasn't because he is black

  3. what i care about,as a mccain supporter is someone who understands and can deal with the politics of energy.  palin can do it just fine.  what i DONT care about and frankly could give a rats less about is hillary or her supporters.  the answer to your question is NO, its common sense and a billiant choice.

  4. No. I think a big reason why he chose her is because she's NOT a staunch republican. Also because she seems so blue collar and because she's fought her own party as well.

  5. No that would be Obama speech Thursday night.

  6. I think she is a wonderful choice and I wish she was running for President..I cannot wait to vote in November for McCain and her. Your question is an insult to women..should you only run for office if you have a p***s?

  7. You betcha. I'm still LOL at this. If McCain thinks she gets the female Hillary voters just because she has a v****a, he's got another thing coming. Palin and Hillary are polar opposites ideologically

  8. NO.

  9. Cant be any worst than any other bozo that are in there

  10. I think he made a pretty good choice.  The rest were a bunch of schisters.  Maybe Crist would have been a better choice.

  11. I think he could've picked the pope himself and people would still be on here b*tching about his choice. People were going to whine and complain no matter who he chose. I think he made an excellent choice.

  12. If this is transparent,

    In serving as the team mom and coaching some basketball on the side, I got involved in the PTA and then was elected to the city council and then elected mayor of my hometown where my agenda was to stop wasteful spending and cut property taxes and put the people first! (cheers and applause)  I was then appointed ethics commissioner and chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.  And when I found corruption there, I fought it hard and I held the offenders to account. (cheers and applause)   Along with fellow reformers in the great state of Alaska, as governor, I stood up to the old politics as usual -- to the special interests, to the lobbyists, the big oil companies, and the good old boy network. (cheers and applause)   When oil and gas prices went up so dramatically and the state revenues followed with that increase, I sent a large share of that revenue directly back to the people of Alaska -- and we are now... (cheers and applause)   We're now embarking on a $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence.

    I signed major ethics reforms and I appointed both Democrats and independents to serve in my administration, and I championed reform, toned the abuses of earmark spending by Congress.  In fact, I told Congress, "Thanks, but no thanks," on that Bridge to Nowhere.  If our state wanted a bridge, I said we'd build it ourselves.

    ALL of this as a working mother of 5!

    The fact is that she is EVERYTHING you libs want in a candidate, except that she is in the wrong party.

    Sucks to be you

    Now, since she actually has a list of accomplishments and successes, would you please provide a link to Obama's list of successes and accomplishments so we can compare

    Thank you

  13.     It is apparent he thinks women are so desperate they will vote for any women enen with no experience in foriegn relations. She is no Hillary. He looks dumber all the time.

       I thought he played the experience card even with his bad judgement in foriegn affairs.

       Obama and Biden thrumps McBush again.

  14. Just the opposite: Senator McCain set a trap, and the Democrats have bitten.

    She's been commander of the Alaskan National Guard=more military experience than Senator Obama.

    Negotiations with Russia and Canada over issues that directly affect Alaskans=more foreign negotitating experience than Senator Obama.

    Energy producing state governor for VP= taking away Senator Biden's foreign policy "strength" and shifting the VP debate to energy, which Senator Biden is not as strong as.

    Senator McCain WANTS you to think it's transparent.

  15. I agree with what Bebop said & I heard Steve " not really a journalist, but a moron" Doocey & years ago he was on a Washington area news broadcast & they only thing he did was those interviews on the street & I don't mean well, what's your view on Bush, Clinton or a real news events but he did those whacky street interviews on the street that would ask stupid questions, like what will you be willing to do for a Klondike bar. I think he chose her to get the Hillary supporets but I don't think that will work

  16. I was looking forward to voting McCain/Romney.  Now I'm not so sure.

  17. I agree!  First of all she is a women.  Did he pick her to try and swing Hillary voters who want to see a a lady at the white house.  Second, if McCain dies....  This chick has less experience than Obama!  As a Republican, it makes me sick that he would pick someone to try and win an election that is to this point a "popularity" contest and in no way shape or form is either McCain nor Obama good for America.

  18. quite the contrary, she is a vibrant intelligent person. quite possibly in the future our first woman president.

  19. Oh right, A Woman could nevvveerrr be qualifed, right?

    <sarcasm off>

    You people take the cake

  20. I thnk your full of c**p. your a liberal. Your the only ones that precede your posts with your party in an atempt to try to bash what you know is going to steamroll you in november.

    sides ive seen your other posts.

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