
Is McCain's VP choice yet another example of a chauvinist man using a women for personal satisfaction?

by Guest60899  |  earlier

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McCain has appeared to act chauvinistically with regards to his wife in the past and I don't see how his VP choice portrays him differently. He chose someone young and beautiful that has even less qualifications than that of Obama, whom the Republicans have spent months complaining about his supposed ill qualified resume. Does it not appear that McCain chose this woman simply to attract Hillary voters? It doesn't look like he has the country's best interests in mind. With him being so old, one must consider what kind of president she would make. Therefore, if Republicans' main concern is experience...they can no longer complain about Obama's resume. A vote for McCain must also be a vote for confidence in his VP to run the country (and noting that he's 72 and has a health record that is 1200 pgs long for just the past 7 yrs makes this a serious concern).




  1. Nope, McCain will win over the INEXPERIENCED junior senator  

  2. Only an insane liberal democrat would find a problem with someones gender.

    God forbid, that she was really "the best man" for the job.

    McCain Rocks!!

  3. Palin was being mentioned as a potential VP candidate long before Hillary dropped out. While she was not the number one choice until very shortly here name had been mentioned. This one fact alone makes the point your trying to make in your question impossible.

  4. Pretty much, I think it's funny that he didn't even choose the best conservative female. McCain has put another big nail in his coffin. Republicans say the dems are afraid but they could not be more wrong, I am exstatic about McCains choice as a liberal she is mor right than he is so she will only help him with the base whih he already had for the betterr part.

  5. if i were a hillary supporter i would feel insulted.

    i believe this states that mccain believes hillary supporters are so stupid that they will look at her and go "hey......she has a v****a.....i do too.........SWEET!"

    sorry im not politically correct......dont wanna sugar coat anything.

  6. Would you say this about Obama if he had picked Clinton?  No.  So shut up you tard!!

  7. This is clear pandering and yet another example of a man trying to take advantage of a woman. This person has no upside aside from the fact she is a she... We've spent the last 2 months hearing about how Obama is so inexperienced, and that would be a gamble in these times. Now, if (God forbid) McCain can't make it through his first term. We are stuck with LESS experience than Obama? I think john just lost what little chance he had.

  8. The fear is thick as pea soup on here today!

    At least you admit obama is inexperienced.

  9. its truly amazing how fast the liberal spin comes on this one...EVER OCCUR TO  YOU THAT THIS SIMPLY MAY BE A QUALIFIED PICK, AS IT IS???  the answer to your question is, of course no.

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