
Is McCain's VP pick Palin in comparison to Biden?

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It's a play on words! (But also a legitimate question.)




  1. it depends on what you are comparing them because she has about as much official time in politics comparatively as Obama does to McCain.

  2. both vp's's slimy and the other is a BB (brainless bimbo)

  3. Yes, but so is Obama. The Republican ticket has the experienced guy on top but the Democratic ticket is upside down. A very weird election.

  4. McCain/Palin will kick Obama/Bidens' butt.  

  5. Biden vs Palin is really no competition. Biden has been in Senate since the early 70s, when Palin was just a child.  So although her years in city counsel, as mayor and the months as Governor of the second smallest state in the Union are different experience than Biden, Biden has foreign experience that kicks her butt.  He has also authored and co-authored bills that have become laws.

    She has gotten lots of pork for Alaska, was mayor of a small city for 4 years before becoming Governor of a state with 650,000 people.  When she was mayor, she started out with 0 debt and left the city with 20 million in debt.  

    So Biden definitely has more political experience and knows how to get bills passed.  As early as last month, Palin wasn't sure what the VP did.

    Obama has political experience close to her, but more, and he is also more well educated.  He has a law degree from Harvard, she has a BS in journalism from the University of Idaho.  He had 4 years in state senate (much larger constituency than the 5500 people in Wasilla, AK) and 3 years in the US Senate.  That's not counting his community organizing (which would probably be equal to city council, only working every day)  So he is more experienced as well.

  6. Palin with be nailin' it when it comes down to the election in November.  (My legitimate response!)   She has a wonderful record and a 90% approval rating in her state.  Biden may have experience but he also has many issues (including his plagerism problems in school and while campaigning; his reason for withdrawing from the Presidental run the last time); we had one liar in office (Bill Clinton) and really don't need another.  Palin has a nice demeaner, as well where Biden is arrogant and can be pretty nasty.  I vote for Palin, hands down and believe she will be a wonderful VP!!  

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