
Is McCain's VP pick a "hail mary", how do you see it playing out?

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Some have claimed it is a hail mary. That McCain considered Biden being picked an equalizer on national security, so he's trying to bring together demographics, conservatives, plus disaffected clinton supporters, and women in general. How do you see his VP pick working out? Including the VP debate?




  1. 3 million dollars raised since the announcement.  This pick has energized the base in a way I could not imagine.  In a close race, turnout is everything.  I see 10% of the hardcore Hillary supporters crossing the line.  Has there been a candidate who can relate to the general public like this woman can in modern political history?  I didn't think I could vote for McCain, but I can now.

    This is a shrewd political move.  I hope she runs in 4 years after McCain retires from the presidency.......

  2. This is more of a "Statue of Liberty" from the old T-Bone formation. Sure it's a trick play from a formation not normally meant for flare but meant for attrition.

  3. McCain never would have chosen Biden, the third most liberal member of the senate.  I think Sarah Palin is a real stroke of genius.  She is level headed and is an attack dog when it comes to addressing corruption, whether Democrat or Republican.  She has a history of reducing taxes and is not afraid to take on corrupt politicians or oil companies.  She understands energy issues as the governor of one of the largest energy producing states and has good values.  America is going to learn to appreciate her over the course of the campaign.  It is a very good move and I believe many Democratic women will make the decision to vote McCain - Palin.

  4. Obviously, they had two different goals. Biden offers a ton of experience, particularly in foreign policy. He has some flaws, but it's hard to argue with the choice too much. Biden helps with Obama's biggest flaw.

    McCain apparently wanted to make sure that the Republican base stayed close, so he wanted someone acceptable to it. I'm not sure there was a perfect choice out there. My guess is that Tim Pawlenty might have gotten the job if the McCain camp was convinced that it was going to be a very tight election. This is something of a dynamic-changing pick, as Palin is a complete unknown.

    As for the debate, Palin will go in with low expectations. If she can avoid a Dan Quayle moment, she'll be perceived well. But Biden will certainly have better command of the facts, provided he can be brief.

  5. I think it could actually work in his favor. And I'm not a McCain supporter, I like him but I like Obama better.  

  6. The guy who voted for the war, before he voted against it? The guy who opposed the surge, wanted America to cut, run, and lose? He's the "expert"? How many military units has he or Obama commanded like McCain and Gov Palin have?

  7. I think he shot himself in the foot with that one.  Really surprising.

  8. An attempt to lure Clinton supporters to a small degree perhaps, but she is a social conservative- staunch pro-lifer, supports teaching creationism in public schools and has called Hillary a whinner in a previous interview so I doubt if she will pull any significant amount of Clinton supporters. The pick seems more about bringing social conservatives back into the fold. As for the debates, I think Biden will take her apart.

  9. TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    Game over.

    The Republicans by a landslide!

  10. Biden runs counter to Obama's views on the war. He was a war hawk before the war became unpopular. Plus Biden offsets his message of "change" in DC.

    As for McCain's VP pick. I think it was a smart move, considering many of Clinton's supporters don't like Obama. He is sure to siphon some of those voters, especially ones that are moderates.

    Edit: Abraham, the race is still between Obama and McCain. So the inexperience argument still stands, plus she has more executive experience than Obama.

  11. The fact that black and woman are running is meaningless sideshow. The question is whale oil, kerosene lamp against electric lights. You can go with drillers, harpooners or new inventors. For last fifty years big oil has won, so historical odds go to fifth from the bottom and female.    

  12. How can someone who is even or ahead in the polls be desperate?

    He should be well behind in a year that Dems should be cleaning their clock. Desperation is in the left at this point.

  13. Hail Mary perhaps but I have friends in Alaska (I live in Seattle) that of course know her as their Governer.  They are looking forward to the debates with her and Biden.  She is known for being a fierce bull dog and incredible at debate.

  14. I don't think it's a good pick. With the selection of Palin we see the evaporation of the most viable Republican criticism of Obama -- the argument that he's not experienced enough to be President is gone forever. Plus she's involved in a corruption scandal at the state level. Even if she's innocent (which is probably the case) any sort of media attention linking Palin to a charge of corruption could be devastating because she's an unknown. She's especially open to being defined by something like that.

    But more importantly, this is a transparently pandering pick. McCain spoke to Palin once (maybe twice?) before she was selected. They don't know each other. They don't know how well they'll work together. She was chosen mainly to peel Clinton voters away from Obama and to compete with the "historic" nature of his campaign, not because McCain knows her intimately and truly believes she would be an effective Vice President. It's blatantly calculating, makes McCain look like he's playing catch-up with Obama, and softly implies he thinks female Clinton supporters are easily fooled (they just want to vote for a woman, they're not concerned about any real issues!). Many Clinton supporters will probably find this patronizing. And if some don't, Palin probably won't be getting their votes anyway - her policy positions and worldview are diametrically opposed to Hillary's. They're political opposites. The Obama campaign, and certainly Mrs. Clinton herself, are going to make the case that a vote for McCain / Palin does an enormous disservice to and directly contradicts Clinton's, and her supporters', vision for the country. And that will be an effective argument because it's true.

    I don't think McCain is picking up many new votes with Palin on the ticket.  

  15. No hail. Just a big piece of Alaskan ice.


  17. He had to pick the other minority

    to make him look good,get Hillary's lost

    votes and a few more women's votes.

    And if this is true

    She's involved in a corruption scandal at the state level. Even if she's innocent (which is probably the case) any sort of media attention linking Palin to a charge of corruption could be devastating because she's an unknown.

    He is an idiot!

  18. It was a hail mary.  McCain couldn't see victory if he didn't change things up.  He picked a woman as a blatant pander for the women vote.  It's really insulting to women, in my opinion.  She brings nothing to the ticket.

    She is going to be destroyed by Biden in the debates.  Even if he doesn't attack her for fear of looking like a sexist (stupid), he is going to appear far more knowledgeable, as he obviously is.

    I think it will hurt McCain in the long run.

  19. I think that it's great for Obama/Biden ticket. Because by choosing a running mate with no foreign policy experience, his argument against Obama's inexperience is very weak now. Obama's running mate Biden is highly experienced in foreign policy. Therefore,Obama can lean on Biden to help him make decisions on foreign policy matters. As for McCain,he's 72 years old with a history of health problems. If he dies in office, then Palin will take over as president with very little foreign policy experience. If Obama ends up not finishing his term, Biden will be ready to take over as president because of his extensive foreign policy experience.

    But choosing inexperienced Palin for his running mate, McCain can't argue about Obama's inexperience. McCain's judgment can be really criticized now. first impression about McCain's pick is that he's targeting women voters including especially disgruntled Hillary supporters. However, her strong pro-life record won't sit well with the women that are prochoice. Her strong conservatism won't sit right with liberals. Therefore, his pick might actually backfire. His pick can be seen as insulting womens' intelligence too.

  20. Purely political.

  21. Yeah, I smell desperation with this pick.

  22. No, Its a pick like Dan Quale, who became a an embarassment . McCain has made a dumb choice

  23. Wonderful. I don't think this was made to attract Hillary's supporters but to prove that McCain is not more of the same as Obama says.

    I loved the fact that he chose such a great woman as a VP.

    And I don't think the experience is a factor because McCain will still be the head with all his experience leading. She will be a great team partner full of energy and new ideas.

    The combination Obama-Biden, on the other hand, is a dependence relationship, where Obama will depend on his old daddy opinions. His daddy will bring Obama back to reality...Yuck!

    Oh! I also don't believe McCain will die! Come on!

  24. Honestly I saw it as a first big punch,and Obama could only stand there and drool in a daze.

    Atleast until he decided to badmouth Alaska.

    We'll see how it plays out over the next weeks.

  25. I see women learning her real stance on abortion and  turning away in droves....or staying home. Most women in america will not support a 72 yr old candidate (who has a fairly high possibility of death) and his VP who are both staunch anti-abortion candidates. Further, Palin takes it to the next level, wanting to ban ALL abortions...even when the life of the mother is in question...even in rape and incest.  

  26. In a time of war and economic uncertainty, and a presidential candidate who is 72, this is a totally unacceptable choice for a VP who could shortly become president.

    McCain is finished.

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