
Is McCain's VP pick the perfect balance to the "superstar" event that is the Obama campaign?

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Is McCain's VP pick the perfect balance to the "superstar" event that is the Obama campaign?




  1. Well, he locked in all 3 of Alaska's electoral votes.  Apparently not a lot of people know much about her.  I tried to go to her web site, but it would seem she's getting so many hits it has crashed.  

  2. Yep. Perfect!

  3. Nope. mccain's selection of palin as his vp just goes to show how desperate john is!

  4. Yes . I think this is an example of his ability to break with tradition and demonstrates Republicans progressiveness. Democrats had a chance to choose a female VP, but they didn't.  

  5. Yes it is.... if his intention is to lose the election.  Obama's event showed that he has the good judgment and toughness to lead this country.  McCain's pick shows he has a serious lack of judgment and is completely bought and owned by the extreme right in this country.  It also shows that he thinks that the women who supported Hillary are idiots and will now jump over to him just because he picked an (inexperienced) woman.  Go Obama!!!

  6. I think that it's great for Obama/Biden ticket. Because by choosing a running mate with no foreign policy experience, his argument against Obama's inexperience is very weak now. Obama's running mate Biden is highly experienced in foreign policy. Therefore,Obama can lean on Biden to help him make decisions on foreign policy matters. As for McCain,he's 72 years old with a history of health problems. If he dies in office, then Palin will take over as president with very little foreign policy experience. If Obama ends up not finishing his term, Biden will be ready to take over as president because of his extensive foreign policy experience.

    But choosing inexperienced Palin for his running mate, McCain can't argue about Obama's inexperience. McCain's judgment can be really criticized now. first impression about McCain's pick is that he's targeting women voters including especially disgruntled Hillary supporters. However, her strong pro-life record won't sit well with the women that are prochoice. Her strong conservatism won't sit right with liberals. Therefore, his pick might actually backfire. His pick can be seen as insulting womens' intelligence too.

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