
Is McCain's choice of Palin over Lieberman an indication of?

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How he will ultimately pander to special interest groups when "push comes to shove"?

It's obvious that Palin was chosen to appeal to the Conservative Right. Instead of sticking with his personal choice for VP, Lieberman, McCain did what "looked good" politically and folded to Party pressure by pandering to a special interest group. Is this an example of how McCain will lead as POTUS?




  1. failure.

    McCain has flopped. TRHBR!

  2. Palin was chosen to appeal to Hillary voters and to add charisma to the ticket.  If McCain wanted to appeal to conservatives, he would've picked Mitt Romney.

  3. And Biden wasn't pandering?  What happened to "change"?  Instead we get a washington insider who's done nothing but be in the senate for 35 years?

  4. don't know about lieberman, but he had much better choices with others like pawlenty or even romney.

  5. McCain could not have won with Lieberman as VP.

    McCain is smart enough to know he couldn't choose him.

  6. its nothing new from mcCain.

  7. The Republican base is conservative.  Lieberman is not.  Pure and simple.  Just like the Democrat base is liberal and so is Obama and Biden.  So is Obama "pandering" as you so aptly put it to his base?  Is choosing another liberal an example of how Obama will lead us as POTUS?  

    My question to you is:  can Biden field dress a moose?

  8. Um...Yes.  He basically just told Obama, "You can have the presidency because I clearly don't want it".  LOL!

  9. No.

    Ms. Palin encompasses all of the social conservative values for which the base of the party, as well as many Independents yearn.

    Notwithstanding, Lieberman gave a great speech and this was very commendable. Joe, however, was simply not in the cards for VP at this time.

    I'm looking for Sarah Palin to rock the house on Wednesday, which should stir up unparalled enthusiasm and support.

  10. How he cares about nothing but winning and is willing to compromise his own integrity to obtain a victory

  11. I think as all the press was on Obama he was feeling left out so chose the most controversial person he could find hoping that all the attention would focus things back on him. I guess he didn't figure she would have that much negative press.......

  12. One of McCain's goals as President is to clean out corruption in Washington. It is rampant and destructive to the country's best interests.  Palin has done a Heroic job of just that in Alaska.  With some one watching his back McCain will be more effective in cleaning up this huge drain of money and resources from the government.

    It may even permit a run at balancing the budget  

  13. It ultimately serves two purposes:

    1. A cheap and transparent attempt at the Hillary-crat base. Made even more apparent by Palin's continuing usage of her name (to the point she's being booed).

    2. His campaign's (not his, he chose Ridge or Lieberman) nod to the super-conservative right to get some of that "good ol' Christian money." You think I'm kidding.

    I would've viewed Lieberman as much more of a threat, he has a LOT of foreignpolicy experience and could easily draw from the center/left. My wife (a HIllary supporter) would've actually voted that ticket, but with the pick of Palin, she has pledged her support to Obama. I personally would have much more repsect for him with a Lieberman pick because it would've shown that he really is ready to reform and truly demonstrate a bi-partisan attitude with someone who I would have faith with going toe-to-toe with the world's nasties. But instead we got a super-conservative governor of the state with the smallest population of the US with NO foreign policy experience.

  14. Party Politics. McCain REALLY wanted Lieberman to be his VP- but His Party didn't... So He drew Palin "out of a hat" -& hope it gets him elected... -So much for His being a "Maverick", huh ?!  :(

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