
Is McCain's choice of VP insulting to everyone or just women?

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Ok, McCain picked a woman who's both younger and much less experienced than Obama. How did he think this was a good choice? His main argument against Obama is that he's too young & doesn't have enough political experience to lead, so then he picks a 44 year old woman who has been govenor of a super-important state like Alaska (!?), and who, previous to that whopper of a success story, has only had the experience of being the mayor of a small Alaskan town. Overall, she's had less than 4 years of meaningful political experience of any kind. She even admitted herself that the most important thing she's had to organize in her political career was making sure that the Iditerod race went on smoothly (!?). This women is just barely qualified enough to be the manager of a Bed, Bath & Beyond, let alone be ready to lead the country if McCain croaks...

Ontop of this, McCain has been trying his hardest during these past 2 months to win "Hillary Democrats" over, and has been getting killed in the polls among rustbelt female voters. With that in mind, isn't this choice of his just a bit insulting? It's like he said, "here! see! I chose a women! Please Hillary supporters!...please please please vote for me and my token white woman!". If I was a hillary supporter, I think I'd find this alot more insulting than anything.

How did he think this was a good choice? Is McCain a) going insane (early-onset alzheimers?) or b) just grasping at straws? Was there no one better from among the GOP pool that he could've picked? Obama picked a smart, well-spoken candidate who has 26+ years in Washington and a son who's a commander about to be sent to McCain chooses some chick from Alaska with 0% meaningful political experience?!

...what was he thinking?!...



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