
Is McCain's foreign policy adviser and well paid lobbyist, Randy Scheunemann a traitor?

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Pat Buchanan sure seems to elude to that in his recent column:

"He is a dual loyalist, a foreign agent whose assignment is to get America committed to spilling the blood of her sons for client regimes who have made this moral mercenary a rich man.

From January 2007 to March 2008, the McCain campaign paid Scheunemann $70,000 — pocket change compared to the $290,000 his Orion Strategies banked in those same 15 months from the Georgian regime of Mikheil Saakashvili.

What were Mikheil's marching orders to Tbilisi's man in Washington? Get Georgia a NATO war guarantee. Get America committed to fight Russia, if necessary, on behalf of Georgia.

Scheunemann came close to succeeding.

Had he done so, U.S. soldiers and Marines from Idaho and West Virginia would be killing Russians in the Caucasus, and dying to protect Scheunemann's client, who launched this idiotic war the night of Aug. 7. That people like Scheunemann hire themselves out to put American lives on the line for their clients is a classic corruption of American democracy."


Can Scheunemann be trusted in a McCain cabinet post?

Can we trust another PNAC toadie to be honest since the last batch were clearly not, and got us into the Iraq war using dishonest means?




  1. Hush now. Damnit you're trying to stir up the children again I see.

  2. McCain cannot get 1 and 1/2 million ordinary American voters to donate to his campaign. They know what he will do for them by what he has done in the past.

    Just like our active military is extremely aware of his voting record on veteran affairs. He has voted down 10 bills for veterans since 2001. that is why they send their HARD earned dollars to Obama and before that to Ron Paul.

    They don't make much money so they aren't looking at what McCain will do for their commodities trading accounts or deregulating their Corporation to allow it to pollute our air or water without government oversight. They don't have the luxury to consider things much beyond their mission and their ability to keep their families fed and healthy.

    Scheunemann could give a rats patootie about these soldiers. He will do what ever it takes to get his money; including working against the long term prosperity of his country.

    Anyone caught selling out the soldiers on the ground (and the American people) with lies and/or fraud should be branded a traitor and be exiled. Sometimes the old ways are better!

    It still amazes me how many of this sites right-wingers do not have the time to read the PNAC* document to get an understanding of what the neocons are up to and why they are doing it. It is nice to know who the enemy is also.  


  3. This is a fact that so few know about because cnn, fox refuse to air it. mccain seems to love these kind of figures.

  4. Oooo Pat Buchanan says! Well, that's enuf for me. Let's string him up!

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