
Is McCain's rejection of Romney a slap in the face of all Mormon voters?

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Romney had the second-highest number of delegates and votes in the Republican primaries after McCain. He has a stellar education from Stanford, BYU, and Harvard. He knows the issues front to back, and is clearly ready to take over from McCain should McCain fall ill.

Romney was a successful businessman and governor. Romney is an established campaigner. Romney has already been vetted by the media and opposition research during that intense GOP primary.

And yet... he is Mormon. And apparently that's no good for McCain. The man with the most experience and preparation for the VP slot has the wrong religion, and so, instead of him, a completely inexperienced candidate from a state with fewer people than Jacksonville was selected.

Man. What a huge, huge insult to all Mormons and non-bigots. How do others feel about this. I am not, myself, a Mormon, but I have Mormon friends here in Colorado - and they are mad. Not necessarily mad enough to vote Obama, thankfully, but some will abstain from voting for McCain.




  1. The don't like each other.  It was a slap in the face for the sanity of picking someone he could get along with.

    Don't make it about Mormonism.  That's bigoted.

    It's funny, Sarah's inexperience in 2nd slot, is getting huge commentary, but Obama's same inexperience in 1st slot gets practically none.

  2. "a completely inexperienced candidate from a state with fewer people than Jacksonville was selected."  

    She has more executive experience than Obama and Biden put together.  Please do your research.

    I have first hand experience with the Mormon faith.  If they are upset with this, they need to go talk to their bishop about their choice of religion.  

  3. All three of you?  LOL.

    Lets see, 49% of the voting block is women, while mormons make up 1% or less?

    Don't be offended, just drive your wives to the voting booth!

  4. No Mormons are no political. They just look at the values of candidates and McCain wins hands down to Obama

  5. I am a Obama supporter, but I do think Romney deserved the VP spot. I'm trying to make this election about issues not race of religion. It's just unfair that the only thing that kept Romney out is his religion. Very sad day not just for republicans or democrats, but people in general.

  6. Mccain hates mormons and romney

  7. Wow you guys stop at nothing.  Your guy didn't do the smart thing & pick Hillary so now your'e mad because McCain picked an awesome woman!  I had doubts about McCain but today has proven to me that he deserves my vote!!

  8. Based on McCain's logic regarding Obama's pick of Biden over Clinton.... yes.

  9. not at all. mccain has no anti-morman rhetoric or affiliations. unlike obama who attended a church that printed hamas manifestos in the church bulletin and gave louis farakhan a lifetime achievement award, and said he was a great american.  if that is not enough to scare the jewish voters, i dont know what is.

  10. No,

    I like Romney over Palin but I would never vote for a man that condones partial birth abortions. I don't think Mormons would vote for that either. Its one thing to cut out some conjugated cells and a completely different thing (in my opinion) to suck brain matter out before crushing the skull in preparation of extraction. This is assuming that they don't have to cut off any limbs.

  11. I was actually hoping Romney was his last choice so that makes me happy.  I just think Romney seems sort of an extremist.

  12. We think the president should use profanity from time to time, just not in the public light.

  13. well it doesn't affect my vote for John McCain. i can't wait till he starts his interfamily marriages campaign. a huah huah

  14. Romney was not "rejected" by McCain.

    He was passed over for someone who has a history of exceptionally high ethical standards, can help balance a budget and who has shown she rejects "ear-marks".

    What about all the "Christians" he did not choose. Do you considered he slapped them also?

    Yours is a strange question devoid of logic.  

  15. I am MORMAN and I would not vote for a man who has chased skirt and drank. Both against the Morman church and GOD.

  16. Why would it only be a slap in the face of Mormon voters?  Are you saying that Mormon were only interested in him because of his religion? If it's because he was a great candidate then why wouldn't it be a slap in the face of everyone?

    Religion itself should have no place in an election, neither helping nor hurting a candidate.

  17. No. Would McCain's rejection of Palin have been a slap in the face to all women? This has nothing to do with his being Mormon and everything to do with Romney's poor showing in the primary and his dissimilar ideology.



  19. I'm glad that Mitt did not get it.  If McKane  screws up, Mitt will not be associated with that administration.. and can run in 2012 or 2016

  20. No. Had McCain selected Romney it would have been a slap in the face to all Christians.

  21. Separation of State and Religion is good!

  22. I think it's more of an appeal to the Hillary Clinton supporters.

  23. I'll take ethics, fiscal responsibility and integrity any day over experience.

    Glad Romney wasn't selected....he bugged McCain too much during the primaries

  24. No, it's clear that he just wanted to go with the more qualified, experienced candidate!

  25. Hillary supporters > Mormons according to McCain's pick

  26. Yes.

  27. John McCain has the right ot pick who ever he wants for vp. He doesnt owe the public anything  

  28. no - Accepting the nomination would have been a mistake for romney.  He said he would take the job, but his heart would not have been in it.

  29. Yes, it is a slap in the face.  And it is a very sad commentary on the amount of bigotry still found in our country today.

    The media is making a huge deal about how Obama's being a nominee means we don't have a bigoted country anymore.  But it's the exact opposite.  People vote for Obama because they want to prove they're not bigoted, so he's being elected because he's black.  McCain appointed Palin because she's a woman, to show he's not sexist.  Romney is not the GOP nominee because he's Mormon (did you see Huckabee practically foaming at the mouth before Friday at the ideo of a Mormon as VP and then so gleeful Friday night that Romney had been passed over - yet he is adamant that he's got nothing against the faith).

    If bigotry truly wasn't a problem in this country, than race, s*x, and religion wouldn't even be discussed as a part of these campaigns.

    Unfortunately, we live in a very bigoted country.

    That said, I do like Palin - I loved her speech yesterday, and will throw my full support behind her and McCain.  I don't hold a grudge enough to be willing to sacrifice our nation to Obama.  I think of all the candidates that threw in for the presidency, Romeny would have made a great US president.  But McCain is heads and shoulders above Obama.

    And, for those that don't think Romney's faith had anything to do with his rejection as GOP nominee or VP, just look at these boards.  Type romney mormon into the search and see how many hits you get and how many freak out at the prospect of a LDS president.

  30. No Biden is a slap in the face of catholic Voters, for being with a pro abortion candidate

  31. No.  They dont like each other.  Simple as that.

    LOL!  Why do you think McCain hates Mormons?  That is silly.

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