
Is McCain Grandstanding Because of Gustav?

by Guest21451  |  earlier

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Is McCain overplaying his role and the role of many of the politicians attending the Republican Convention because of Hurricane Gustav? Is this an opportunity for McCain to show his leadership or just another photo op with sound bites. If I recall, during Katrina, the politicians were part of the problem not the solution.

I am not taking sides. I am curious what people think.




  1. This is a very difficult situation for most politicians.  A classic example of a "no win" situation.  If McCain continued without changes he'd be criticized for not doing enough.  If he does a lot... he is criticized for being too political.  It's difficult to balance! for McCain and Obama.

    Knowing McCain, he'll follow his gut and not care too much about what others think.

  2. Unless he's helping to evacuate people or grabbing a shovel to shore up the levees there is NO reason for him to be there right now he's just in the way.

  3. Why doesn't he give up a couple of his mansions to house the ppl.  

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